New Member w/ Buying Question!

Congrats on the new bike!

Do what you have to to get it home. If the freeway is your only option and you are concerned, just drive easy. Min speed on Interstate in these parts is 45. That should be safe for the may want to put the emergency flashers on though. ;)

In all seriousness, I have no clue how best to break in a bike. I've tried not to ride it hard, but I commute by Interstate a lot and I use every opportunity I get to ride.

Safe riding!
Well my issue with the highway isn't the speed. 6th gear should easily cruise the speed limit under 7k RPM. But I've heard that you shouldn't keep your bike at a constant RPM for long stretches during the break in period.
Lol, yeah I just had to say it because I imagined myself rolling down the Interstate at 45 with flashers, cars honking as they sped by, and thought it sounded like something I would do impromptu to protest (*piss off*) everyone needlessly rushing around with thousands of pounds of steel, constantly and thoughtlessly endangering the other hurried thoughtless and dangerous people out there. Lol. Sorry, I'm just in a mood today.

If the constant rpm is a big issue I guess I'm screwed. I wrapped up my break-in with a 120-mile cruise.

I haven't looked, but there is probably a thread on the forum with a lot of good advice on how to approach the break-in period.

Hope the weather cooperates so you can pick up your new baby on schedule!
Yea I have found lots of good info on here, unfortuneatly they all say the same thing...don't go on highways! haha. I guess I'll just have to try and keep my speed changing between 55 and 75. That'll get annoying by the time I finish the 2 hour ride.
Ok I should have the cold weather gear covered:

Thermal Pants/Shirt
Hooded Sweatshirt
Windbreaker Jacket
Riding Jacket
Knit Hat that fits under my helmet
Fleece Neckgaurd (THICK)
Fleece Glove Liners
Grabber Heaters for gloves
Pair of hunting gloves that I THINK is wind repellant, if not I have my normal riding gloves
Windbreaker Pants
THICK socks
Grabber Heaters for feet
normal socks
Riding Boots

The only thing I'm worried about is the gloves not keeping up with the wind. Otherwise I'll prolly get so hot I have to remove some layers.