New Life for Me

I would have made the same joke !! LOL :spank: :Flip: :BLAA: It was a realy hard day for me though...... I went and talked to the mortage bank,and the realtor... then I went by the house to what was left behind ......

Sorry you're passing through this Donny. You have my number Bro. :D
Sorry you're passing through this Donny. You have my number Bro. :D

And my number to Bro , im only a phone call away anytime you wanna talk :thumbup:
Thankyou guys I appreciate it I realy do. i am trying to just let this purge its self out of me so I can move on completly into my new life.I don't want to be out on the road still dragging this extra baggage with me... :spank: :rockon:
Donny, i only read the first post! Faaaark! Buddy, if you ever come to Oz, you can come live with me for as long as you need. Have just watched a fellow forum member go through a similar situation, and that was not nice....

I have been through it 3 times! and i know how much it sucks! Stay true to yourself, lean all over your real friends, and always stay positive! No matter how hard that may be! live every day like it's the start of a new beginning, not like it may be your last!

Come to Oz, we can build crazy arse bikes together! Ride the things, smile, and comtemplate our mistakes as lessons learnt, and cherish the good moments...

Sounds like you are toughing things out pretty well, in the face of extreme stress...all power to you!

You would love it here....and we would love to have you here!


Donny, I'm sorry this all is happening to you. I know it is very hard to let go of someone you love but when life comes to this point, you have to move forward and leave that life behind. People do not change much in life.... promises are made, life gets that old familiar and comfortable feeling and before you know it, it's the same rutted trail you're both headed back down with the ugly pit at the end. Steer clear of that road and stay the course... Go get your kicks on Route 66, if you will. As soon as you wrap up the loose ends, get the tires in motion and do not look back. Before you know it, life will hand you what you seek, especially if you roll on with a positive attitude and nothing but hope for a better tomorrow.

Chin up but in the meantime, it is A-OK to get it all out with those big ugly cries. So long as they don't involve guns and alcohol, you're doing just fine and healing well. If I was there, I'd give you a big shoulder to lean on Buddy.
Donny, i only read the first post! Faaaark! Buddy, if you ever come to Oz, you can come live with me for as long as you need. Have just watched a fellow forum member go through a similar situation, and that was not nice....

I have been through it 3 times! and i know how much it sucks! Stay true to yourself, lean all over your real friends, and always stay positive! No matter how hard that may be! live every day like it's the start of a new beginning, not like it may be your last!

Come to Oz, we can build crazy arse bikes together! Ride the things, smile, and comtemplate our mistakes as lessons learnt, and cherish the good moments...

Sounds like you are toughing things out pretty well, in the face of extreme stress...all power to you!

You would love it here....and we would love to have you here!


I might just sell off everything I own, and take you up on your offer Jamie!! one of my ancestors had to be an Immigrant to get here! so why can't I be one too !! :rockon: :BLAA: [ame=]Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin - YouTube[/ame]
I was supposed to go out to a club,but all I could think about was women like my ex are out at these club's..... (I don't want another like that) :spank: I have been isolated here in my little trailer putting it together a little more each pay day , so this weekend I made some changes that have realy made it alot more comfortable,my T.V. parts should be in this week to!! it will be nice to get the white stripe off my screen!! :stupidpc: :BLAA: I woke up this morning and for some unknown reason the T.V. would'nt change channels so I turned on the radio while I fixed me a pot of coffee ,and this song by Alter Bridge came on and I have heard it before,but for the first time I listened to it,and when I looked up the lyrics,well You tell me......... [ame=]Alter Bridge - Isolation (LYRICS) HQ - YouTube[/ame] :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:
just because you go to a bar or a club and meet someone doesn't mean you have to bring them home or have a relationship with them. My advice is just go out have fun and enjoy the evening for what it is. you do need to get out, hibernating would be a bad thing. I would also try to discourage you from trying to find "the one" and just enjoy where your life is right now . I am sure it next year will bring about many changes for you. One day at a time....:)

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just because you go to a bar or a club and meet someone doesn't mean you have to bring them home or have a relationship with them. My advice is just go out have fun and enjoy the evening for what it is. you do need to get out, hibernating would be a bad thing. I would also try to discourage you from trying to find "the one" and just enjoy where your life is right now . I am sure it next year will bring about many changes for you. One day at a time....:)

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I would love to be one of those guys that believe in (The One) fairy tale !!! LMFAO!! well know i'm not trying to sound arrogant or narcissistic,but woman I engage romantically tend to get very possessive, jealous ,and controlling.monitoring all of my activities and keeping track of how much time I spend away from home,and the whole time know one in the world could be less interested in where they go, who they spend time with or who they are related to and next thing I know I have new roommates and my house is a MESS !! :ban: and the sad thing is I only wanted to shoot pool and drink some whiskey with my friend's and some woman would be staring at me which would lead to dancing which would lead to me listening to her tell me her life story while the Bar tender would hand us liquid (I LOVE U MAN) juice until we end up realizing its 2:00am !! I'm having such a good time lets get some breakfast!! :BLAA: where we get into the normal lighting and I see what i have Realy wrangled up!!! :spank: and they see what they have on the hook and LEAP on to me claws dug in !! On their very best behavior with gifts of HOME COOKED MEALS !! YEA that's Right its true our stomachs are the SUPER HWY to a mans heart!! and so I will adapt to my new life and provide to the best of my ability and fall back into a familiar rutt,and get miserable all over again.... I intend to use the NO option and just walk away if i'm not %100 percent sure which I've never been more than 65% sure in the past... i would just settle....... Never again...... and I mean that.......... :rockon: Hey I'm not a Jerk........ I know what happens when I take the hang out at the Bar road..... Everybody knew my name at The Rockin Rodeo I came for The Party !! I am Good Time Charlie!! and i can rebuild your Harley!! LOL
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Donny don't.... go into a relationship with any expectations other than what you want.

Donny don't.... let any woman think they can mold you into something other than Donny.

Donny don't.... stay with a woman who expects you to change to suit their needs and is unwilling to accept you for who you are.

Donny do!!! Do go play the field and get your noodle wet while you are single! As a single guy, nothing wrong with a few (many) one night stands!
Donny don't.... go into a relationship with any expectations other than what you want.

Donny don't.... let any woman think they can mold you into something other than Donny.

Donny don't.... stay with a woman who expects you to change to suit their needs and is unwilling to accept you for who you are.

Donny do!!! Do go play the field and get your noodle wet while you are single! As a single guy, nothing wrong with a few (many) one night stands!
You ain't gotta worry bout me Eric...... :thumbup: I am very grown Man and in almost total control of myself my main problem right now is I Cuss ALOT and I speak loudly at work and my poor brother cringes everytime I drop the F-bomb near the waiting room,and I am so wrapped up in my conversation I can drop 4 or 5 of em in a string!! LOL :BLAA: :rockon: :rockon:
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Donny don't.... go into a relationship with any expectations other than what you want.

Donny don't.... let any woman think they can mold you into something other than Donny.

Donny don't.... stay with a woman who expects you to change to suit their needs and is unwilling to accept you for who you are.

Donny do!!! Do go play the field and get your noodle wet while you are single! As a single guy, nothing wrong with a few (many) one night stands!

God, I do hope you're referring to this.....
Donny, I think you have a problem.
Make that 2 problems


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You know maybe I should have read more Warning Labels,and paid attention to those commercials about.................................... what was I talking about ?? :D