New farkle for my bike.


Crotchety Old Fart
Jul 24, 2009
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Katy, TX
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Last weekend Crowelor from this forum (FZ6), his father-in-law Steve (GoldWing) and I took part in the Republic of Texas 1000. A little (1067) mile jaunt round 8 historical sites in the state of Texas. All in less than 24 hours. Oh and the start was almost 300 miles from home.

In the hotel parking lot we quickly spotted that our FZ6s were the smallest bikes by a factor of 2, but that didn't stop us.

The final tally was 1067 miles in just short of 21 hours (17:21 moving) for an average speed of 61.2.

Before last weekend I would have considered a 300 mile day a long ride, but as I got back on my bike at the Alamo I thought "Well that's the last checkpoint done. Just got to go back to Dallas now and it's only 284 miles away!!"

Many thanks to Loren (Crowelor) and his father-in-law Steve for showing me the ropes and keeping me straight. My wife thinks that the ride has got the long distance thing out of my system. You'd have thought after 17 years she would know me better than that :rockon::rockon::rockon:

Iron Butt Association member 57765 :rockon::rockon::rockon:
Welcome to the Iron Butt fold, my number is 20890. I did 1,037 miles in 17.5 hours. It helps to have Nevada next door where one came make good time across the desert. You never forget your first saddle sore ride.

A farkle is an addition/modification to any bike. Your new plate frame will look good on the bike.
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well done:thumbup: many congrats and I hope the long bath soothes your joints
(and other bits:spank: sorry that's the closest I could find!!!)
Very cool!! I've done many 1k days... in a CAR :rolleyes: (driving from NJ to FL and back). Even in a car, I would never call it easy.
Great weekend, Steve and I had fun doing a different type of SS1000 and we're glad you enjoyed yourself and finished successfully. I'm sure the planning stage for your next IBA ride is already underway. It's hard for others(including wives) to understand how doing one of these makes the next one more appealing.