New decals on my bike



    Votes: 68 27.1%

    Votes: 183 72.9%

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Sorry Josh, I voted take 'em off. I think the one on the windscreen is fine, but I think the rest is too much.

BUT! Like everybody is has stated, if YOU like them, then keep 'em. :thumbup:
IMO, I do not like the she devils. This is coming from a dad, but it is not my bike. However, I do kinda like the one on the wind screen. If you really like them, keep them. To each his/her own.

I feel the opposite... lose the one on the screen.
I think your million different answers just proves that everyone likes something different, so just make it the way YOU like it.
As has been said, you gotta ride the beast. Pimp it out as you see fit.

Me, not so much a fan. But I voted "keep" because you must've put them on there for a reason. So if you dig 'em, then there you have it. It isn't my bike...

Now go ride.
It's your opinion that matters most, but since you've asked, I wouldn't keep them on there. I'm with the others regarding the stunta/gangsta/thug labeling. I honestly think you'll lose respect from a lot of bikers out there because of these. Again, just MHO... :D
thats funny about the thug thing, because i was out to eat and some cops came in and ask me if i was part of some gang. because of my front sticker. i guess i am some thug on a fz6 now. lol.. going to take off the front sticker, but kinda like my girls.
if it were mine (which it's not so definitly do what you like best) i'd have "every sinner has a future, every saint has a past" on there somewhere :thumbup:
It's your bike make it you. I like the she devils but not the thug but thats just me. I'm more for the clean look and the only decale on my bike is an alpinestars logo on the swingarm but that could just be because I haven't found the right decals yet.
Not to my personal taste but it would be a very dull world if we all had the same taste. If you like them then that's all the answer you need.
Besides which I'm not going to go against the forum gangster,:justkidding:
Here ya go!

[ame=""]YouTube - Geto Boys - Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta[/ame]
Your bike your choice. That is what this country is all about.

I am mostly a "sticker taker off-er" but I do slap a dragon sticker on a bike if I ride it through there.
I love the devil/angel combo on the tank, but the ghetto skull thing isn't my cup o' tea. That being said... You could have anything you like on your bike because it's YOUR BIKE so do what you want and $%#^ the people who try to tell you otherwise...
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