New boots

good price on the boots. I've thought about getting a mask like that for those cold mornings.:thumbup:
I hope it keeps me warm. I'm a hold out, so as long as there is traction then I'm riding. It was about 45 on the way to work today, and my teeth were rattling. Hopefully this will help!
in my Southern California paridise I can pretty much ride year round. but in the winter it does get in the 20s in the early morning and late at night.
I can't say "I HATE YOU" as many times I would like!!!!:p In NJ it get mighty cold and might slippery in the winter. I'm going to hold out as long a I can before I put the bike in storage(probably mid December).
I can't say "I HATE YOU" as many times I would like!!!!:p In NJ it get mighty cold and might slippery in the winter. I'm going to hold out as long a I can before I put the bike in storage(probably mid December).

ya I was thinking on going for a christmas ride then going riding for new years and... LOL