New Addition To Garage


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May 29, 2011
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Atlanta, GA, US
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I've been wanting to use the light rail system to get to work and reduce my dependency on my car, but the station is just far enough away that walking really makes for a long commute, and driving or riding the FZ6 means starting an engine I care a great deal about and running it for only five minutes, twice a day, every day. I can't do that to my babies. So I bought something that I plan to treat badly:

It's a 2007 Kymco People 150. I got it a little beat-up, as in having been dropped a couple of times. It has some scratches, needs a blinker lens, and a little blinker TLC. The wheels are lined up right though, and it handles surprisingly well. Apart from the throttle not pushing the road back quite as fast as I would like, it's a blast to ride. I do wish the rear brake was a pedal instead of a lever, though. I had been planning on getting a 50cc model, but the market for those appears to be inflated on account of the large number of riders who don't have or want MC licenses. (In Georgia, no license is required for 50cc and under, with some other stipulations.) Plus, if I bought one I know I'd do all the performance mods and it would end up costing just as much as the 150, but would be a lot louder. I'm a quiet exhaust fan.

And it's red, so it's inherently faster than 150cc scooters of other colors.
Congrats!!! It actually looks really clean and in good shape from the picture!!! I've always wanted a scooter to play around on but I just can't bring myself to buy one knowing that I will probably destroy it within the first few months...
I've been wanting to use the light rail system to get to work and reduce my dependency on my car, but the station is just far enough away that walking really makes for a long commute, and driving or riding the FZ6 means starting an engine I care a great deal about and running it for only five minutes, twice a day, every day. I can't do that to my babies. So I bought something that I plan to treat badly:

It's a 2007 Kymco People 150. I got it a little beat-up, as in having been dropped a couple of times. It has some scratches, needs a blinker lens, and a little blinker TLC. The wheels are lined up right though, and it handles surprisingly well. Apart from the throttle not pushing the road back quite as fast as I would like, it's a blast to ride. I do wish the rear brake was a pedal instead of a lever, though. I had been planning on getting a 50cc model, but the market for those appears to be inflated on account of the large number of riders who don't have or want MC licenses. (In Georgia, no license is required for 50cc and under, with some other stipulations.) Plus, if I bought one I know I'd do all the performance mods and it would end up costing just as much as the 150, but would be a lot louder. I'm a quiet exhaust fan.

And it's red, so it's inherently faster than 150cc scooters of other colors.

Should have gotten a blue one....everyone knows those are the fastEST :D
Actually, we had such a nice time we're considering going back to the same place again. Not sure when just yet, though. You still headed this way?
Nice scooter!

A good 2 wheel solution to the commute. I'm tempted to get a black one so we can do some research into the faster red question. Heh heh heh. When are we gonna ride together next?

When are you getting your butt down here for a ride? :D
To SoCal? There's the problem. Besides you guys, crooked canyons and desert camping, what's there to do in SoCal? ;)