New 27" iMac anybody?


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Jun 4, 2009
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Now I'll admit that Aries is a "spir of the moment" sign. When I got home yesterday and say these new 27" iMacs it took about 6 beers or so till I was on the phone to Apple!!!!! lol. Should have it Saturday!! Will sell my 17 month old 20" iMac at work I suppose.
Got my PC hooked up to the 40" LCD. Quad core processor, 4 GB of RAM, 9800GT, and plenty of space to record HD television shows. HTPC FTW!

yep, quad core, 4gb ram, GTX285, 1.5TB of HDD space, all hooked up to the 52" in the living room (I built a wall HDMI plug in the living room just for the screen, and the PC is hooked up to that plug from another room... I control everything using 30ft range bluetooth mouse/keyboard combo... RF did not work as the range sucks...) and couldn't be happier :D
I've got a 20" iMac that is an outstanding dust collector. I got tired of the browsers not working with the web sites I need to go to (various government and banking ones). I also hate the fact that a stupid attachment will not just open, but has to be saved to the desktop and then opened and then thrown in the trash. I also don't care of the file management, give me Windows Explorer, it's simple. I also don't like the fact that iPhoto doesn't display ALL of the photos, and sometimes I can see the file but when I click on it there is nothing. The movie editing software is so-so.

I gave up and bought a new HP 15.4 inch notebook with a 500GB hd, 6 GB of RAM and a FREE Wii system. All for $850.00. Macs look cool, run fast but I'm tired of the odd duck things. To me a computer is a toaster oven, I just want it to work.
i have the little Macbook, i would love a big one at home too, but the little one is so easy to bring with me and have Mac happiness wherever i go.
They both have their great points, they both have their royal PITA points.... Its all in what you like. Personally I think PC is easier to use! but Mac is so much easier and faster as far as startup and program download.....
They both have their great points, they both have their royal PITA points.... Its all in what you like. Personally I think PC is easier to use! but Mac is so much easier and faster as far as startup and program download.....

But with VMware Fusion you can run both, at the same time even... it is pretty awesome
I've got a 20" iMac that is an outstanding dust collector.

you know, i hate it when things just sit around and collect dust... taking up space. i'll be a friend and take that worthless toaster off your hands. and i won't even charge you anything for my services. :thumbup:
But with VMware Fusion you can run both, at the same time even... it is pretty awesome
I've always chuckled to myself, with the Intel Macs that can run both too, why anyone would want to run the buggiest software on the most overpriced hardware; but that's just me. :rolleyes: :D
I just got it set up and it is HUGE!!! Now I can put off buying new glasses for ??
Only prob is the mouse scroll is not tight enough. Can't wait to watch some AC/DC or Cinderella on her. IT'S HUGE!!!
I have 13 iMacs and a Mac Pro at work that I manage for about 300 students per school year. Never had a problem. I have an old iMac first one with Intel processor and a brand new macbook pro.

Wouldn't want to touch a Windows machine ever again.

The new iMacs look awesome but I'm a little disappointed that they do not have bluray drives yet!