Nerver Ending Racing Trivia

You see I like these questions.

The Paris - Dakar rally actually starts in Lisbon, Portugal and finishes in Dakar, Senegal.

Its one to get your friends with.

South America, South Africa or Australia would all be good for the next one.


Dang! Well it looks like I might have to go research this one now!
Try this one folks....

Each of these two men has won the World Driving Championship of F1. Each has also won the Indianapolis 500. Where they differ is one has won the 24 hours of Le mans and the other the Daytona 500.

Who were these men?
I think we should be banned from using the net for these questions.

It would be like 1 question a month job.

Jim Clark, Graham Hill, Mario Andretti, Fitterpaldi and montoya are all F1 drivers who have won the 500...where they come in the equasion I am not sure but that is my 5 cents worth.

As dangerous as it was I must inform you that in performing this stunt I did not have use of a NET.

I think we should be banned from using the net for these questions.

It would be like 1 question a month job.

Jim Clark, Graham Hill, Mario Andretti, Fitterpaldi and Montoya are all F1 drivers who have won the 500...where they come in the equasion I am not sure but that is my 5 cents worth.

As dangerous as it was I must inform you that in performing this stunt I did not have use of a NET.


Yes but of these 5 only two would qualify for the correct answer and sometimes even the net doesn't make it all that easy. An example of this would be finding the woman who actually finished 13th in over points during a single NASCAR season. Either way, be it books, the net or the good old fashion hard way of using memory, it involves research.
No steve I'm still here but I 1/2 cheated on this one. I knew andretti was one but i had a toss up between fittipaldi and hill but it is hill.

Final Answer: Mario Andretti and Graham Hill
And I didn't see the second question he threw in there but it was Sarah Christianson or Christian. (I have an advantage in this one, Nascar is pretty much American only)
You're awesome Madman. Hill won at Lemans and Andretti won at Daytona.

Sarah Christian was the first woman to drive in a NASCAR race. In fact, it was the first race on June 19, 1949. She actually competed in 6 of the 8 events that opening year and finished 13th in overall points. To this day, no woman has bettered this mark.

Try this one for women in NASCAR.

I qualified or finished better than Bill Elliot in 7 of the 10 races we ran together. I qualified or finished better than Dale Earnhardt in 2 of the 3 races we ran together. I also qualified or finished better than Johnny Rutherford in all 3 of the races we ran together. I have finished 11th and 12th in 2 Daytona 500 races and get this, I got my fixed wing pilots license at 17 years of age. I am not a Go daddy girl..... Who am I?
Lets see if you can find this on the internet. As a young boy I worked around the racetrack just to be around the cars and drivers. Later I would become a driver and actually won 8 USAC races before dying in a race where my best career finish was second. The incident in which I died changed the safety regulations within racing and also became one of the most horrifying incidents in racing history as it involved 2 deaths and 7 cars.

Who am I and where did I die?
Lets see if you can find this on the internet. As a young boy I worked around the racetrack just to be around the cars and drivers. Later I would become a driver and actually won 8 USAC races before dying in a race where my best career finish was second. The incident in which I died changed the safety regulations within racing and also became one of the most horrifying incidents in racing history as it involved 2 deaths and 7 cars.

Who am I and where did I die?

Well....... Reading, Pa. And I cant find much info on either (it was the late 60's) But it has to be jud larson or red riegel

sorry thats the best I got!
Well....... Reading, Pa. And I cant find much info on either (it was the late 60's) But it has to be jud larson or red riegel

sorry thats the best I got!

I'll leave this one up for 24 hours and see if someone can pick it up. The driver that died in the second car played tennis with my uncle. The actual race was held in the United States and remains very big today.
The 1960's were a time of technological change when it came to open wheel racing. We were at a time when rear engine vehicles were coming in and front engine cars were going out but they did race together on the same track for a time. In 1964 the Indianapolis 500 was just such an event. Often termed the "Greatest Spectacle in Racing" the May race of that year would clearly live up to its name and in doing so Eddie Sachs and Dave MacDonald would die in a crash inferno that will live for all time. The incident occurred on the second lap and could be seen for miles around Speedway Indiana. Sachs, who as a boy worked around the track just to be near the cars and driver died immediately while MacDonald died later that day from his injuries. My uncle played tennis with MacDonald. Here's a clip for your viewing pleasure......

[ame=""]YouTube - Eddie Sachs and Dave Mcdonald Fatal crash at Indy '64[/ame]