Need ball warmers.


Hopped up on Mountain Dew
Elite Member
May 27, 2008
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I'm taking the Experienced MSF course right now, and damn 45 degrees is much colder when you're standing around for a long time. :eek:

At least it's fun making all the cruiser riders look silly when you do the turns in the smallest box on the first try. :D
go get some of those little hand warmers and put them in your pockets ;) you can find them at sporting goods stores, I think at Walmart/KMart too..

Every winter we go on a night ride.....whats makes it interesting is eveyone shows up dressed like its 100 degrees outside.....helmet, jeans and a t-shirt is all i had on last year.
It finally warmed up after lunch, and I was able to really make some turns without all the layers on. I burned a hole in my pants dragging my knee on the last course just having fun. Good thing I was wearing the knee armor. :D
Every winter we go on a night ride.....whats makes it interesting is eveyone shows up dressed like its 100 degrees outside.....helmet, jeans and a t-shirt is all i had on last year.

I read what you wrote thinking, "Thats just crazy talk."

Then I saw your location...pssh, winter. Try that up here and you'll last about as long as it takes to walk to your bike then you'll run inside and forget you even thought about riding.
What's the course like? I was thinking of taking it to. I enjoyed the Basic class. What are they teaching you? I heard someone say that the advanced class makes some people decide motorcycling isn't for them. So I've been thinking that it might have some intense wash-out component to it. But that would be surprising, since MSF is funded by all the big bike makers, who have no interest in scaring people out of the sport.
It wasn't any harder than the basic course. The main difference is that they expect around 25 mph in the maneuvers instead of 15 or less. Using the Fazer in the course, you pretty much cruise through the whole thing. The guys on the 800# harleys and one guy that started riding this year on a new ZX-14 were really pucker butting it on the tight turns. One guy dropped his bike in the swerve test, but he just let it get away from him when he stopped. He was on a 4 cyl kawasaki that looked really similar to the FZ6.
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