Need advice for new wheels


Junior Member
Oct 27, 2008
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I just had my bike in for inspection last month, and the tech-guys told me that i would need a new back wheel by early spring. They ofcourse offered the most expensive they had, but I want to see what everyone here thinks i should get. I'm probably going to ride it mostly on back roads and a bit of highway, no tracks or anything like that for now atleast. I think I am going to plan a couple of longer trips through several states, these most probably aswell being highway / backroads. Aswell, being 16 my budget isn't unlimited and since i've only had the bike for a couple of months I'd like to get some more informated opinions.

Thanks, in advance :)

I just had my bike in for inspection last month, and the tech-guys told me that i would need a new back wheel by early spring. They ofcourse offered the most expensive they had, but I want to see what everyone here thinks i should get. I'm probably going to ride it mostly on back roads and a bit of highway, no tracks or anything like that for now atleast. I think I am going to plan a couple of longer trips through several states, these most probably aswell being highway / backroads. Aswell, being 16 my budget isn't unlimited and since i've only had the bike for a couple of months I'd like to get some more informated opinions.

Thanks, in advance :)


I assume you mean a new "rear tire", not the wheel. Continental Road Attacks or Bridgestone BT-021 are good tires and budget priced. If you have a local shop that will mount mail order tires for you, that is a way to really save $$$. Ride has good prices on tires.

Otherwise you need to shop around the bike shops near you. I have found better deals at independant shops than the "mega stores".
not sure what to recommend, just don't buy dunlops powermax that came stock to many fz6. I have those now and hate em, I feel the rear tire slipping away pretty often when I gear up/down.. never had those problems with michelin tires.
I was in this dilemma a couple of weeks ago. I had the choice between two kinds of tires:

-Michelin Pilot Power
-Michelin Road 2

Now i found the first to be very nice and has an even distribution of rubber throughout the entire circumference of the wheel . This would be perfect for aggressive driving as well as track days since you have the rubber on the sides to accommodate you ( Even though you cannot lean an FZ6 enough so u use that side of the tire)

The later had a better way of showing its field of application. You can clearly see a bigger band of rubber in the middle portion of the wheel, with a little less on the sides ( compared to the PP). You can of course drive aggressively with these on, but the most important thing is that they will last you a lot more then any regular tire made for racing or w/e.


I would go with a Michelin Road 2 :- )
Enjoy !
Thanks to everyone.

and yes i did mean a rear tire not a wheel :p dont know where that came from.

I'll check up on your links and advice, and thanks again, your help is really appreciated :) :D