N. Virginia Riders?



Hey all,
I've been hanging out on another FZ6 forum and just found this one. I'm trying to compile a list of FZ6 riders in the N. Viriginia/D.C. area.

I ride an 05 Silver FZ6 and live in Stafford, VA.

Sounds good. Let me know possible days/times. 15 is a great ride once you get out of Leesburg (assuming you do not get stuck behind a tractor). Also, if you ever do it, be careful of the "Village" of Lucketts. Speed trap. I went to court (mandatory when you are caught doing 68 in a 35) and quite literally everybody in the courtroom that day were all caught at the same place I was. In my defense it was my first time on the road and it was 2 a.m. coming home from a first date the day after I had just returned from Curacao so I was very tired and my mind was elsewhere.
i donw know about riding in va because of their new laws are bs....how abour west va my brother told me that there is a lot nice roads around that area.... we should meet next week sunday what do you think?