My week SUCKED!

Wow, that's awful. Sorry to hear about the whole thing. Even though they left your computers, jewelery, and most important your medication ;) it sounds like they made a giant mess as well as leaving you feeling violated. Hope they catch the last one and you get your guns back.

Any idea from the police what the penalties could be for this?

Man that stinks. I can only imagine how you felt, you didn't even realize you were robbed until you were well into the house! Man! I wonder how they knew about your gun safe and how they found the keys so quickly. Unless they were there for awhile. I'm glad you dog is alright!
I hate to hear about this. I am glad everything turned out as well as you could hope for something like this. I will just say I hope the perps get gang raped in jail. Multiple times. Every day. For years to come.

Sorry, but I hate to hear this.
They must have known your dog? I often wonder what my dog would do in a situation like this. Probably would lick them a lot and then help them load the tv and computer and guns and then jump in the truck and go with them!

Well I'm glad no one got hurt, I know how you feel about your dog. I tell everyone I have FOUR kids: two human and two canine!

Keep us posted on how things turn out and I'm glad they caught the little F'rs.:spank::spank::spank:
So sorry this happened. Happened to me last November. Kids, too. They got some small, replaceable crap and one irreplaceable thing that just broke my heart and left me gutted. And they drank all my beer and booze.

The police dept. sent out a dopey community service guy who just did not seem to have a clue at all nor did he seem to care. They just didn't care was the message I got. So glad to hear that your police dept. are rockin'.

Here's to hoping, as madman said, that the little mf's get punked bad and often -- i hope that they have to wear lipstick.

I don't know much about alarm systems. I think a hidden camera with dvr setup would be pretty cool. As long as you also hid the pc and dvr so the little buggers didn't steal that, too.
Any idea from the police what the penalties could be for this?


Not sure - but with the mutiple break-ins and gun theft, and armed robbery they are potentailly being charged for, we thought they could have up to 10 or maybe more. To me that isn't enough.

psnbye - No - I don't think they knew the dog. The 2 names that were released were people I had no clue who they were - however they were from Sparta (my town). Tara has the sweetest personality - and would rather wiggle around you with excitement. So, I think she was overly friendly and in their way so they just put her in the garage.

YamahaMAXdRPMs - Excellent idea on the safe. :thumbup: We are starting to look at better safes than the ones we have.

dako81 - My husband forgot to hide his keys that last time he was in the gun safes. They were pretty easy to find with some digging. My set of keys, on the other hand, were not located. ;) And - are still in their hiding spot.

I plan on going to whatever trial takes place and following the case - I want to make sure these creeps get what they are due!

Thanks for all your support guys! You are all the best! :thumbup:
So glad to hear you and your pooch are okay, and glad they caught the scum. I know what it feels like too...

On Monday, I received a call from the DA's office. Guess that they caught the third and last person involved in our break-in. His name is D.O. - scumbag. :spank: :spank:

Here is a link to his WI record:;j...1107&offset=0&sortColumn=0&sortDirection=DESC

(He is the one with the 1990 birthdate.)

The other guy - S.A. doesn't have much out there - so he isn't so interesting. I think he is the one that did the talking and I recognized his photo in the paper as being the creep in the cop car when they stopped at our house Wed. night with the one recovered weapon. The third person is a minor - so I only have initials and a birthdate.

The initial appearance in on 3/23/09 at 9am - I plan on attending. I want to see the judicial system at work - and I am more than sure that I will be grossly disappionted.

Will keep you all posted.
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The initial appearance in on 3/23/09 at 9am - I plan on attending. I want to see the judicial system at work - and I am more than sure that I will be grossly disappionted.

Will keep you all posted.

Sadly, I believe this will be true. Best of luck to you in your quest for justice.
THAT SUCKS!!! I hate little punks like that! At least they didn't mess with the dog. Don't expect too much to happen especially with the minors...
My security system has a bark and a B*tchin' recoil! Similar to 10mm
I may miss 1,2, or even 12 times... That's why it holds 13+1
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Not what you want to come home to, but it sounds like you have had the best possible out come. Most times that hear of people lose everthing and dont get anything back. Really glad they didnt hurt your little girl.
WI doesn't have a concealed carry law nor a castle doctrine, so you are pretty much screwed if you tried to protect yourself.

Does that not suck!!!:disapprove::disapprove::disapprove: How are you supposed to protect yourself and your property!!!!????!!

On another note, I believe this David R Ortiz is one of the scumbags involved in a Kenosha area bar fight. Apparently David beat some guy up badly, and was wanted for bail jumping. Why he was loose in the first place is still a mystery, as he was involved in several armed robberies of gas stations in the Kenosha/Racine area. Hopefully the revolving door justice system stops spinning and sends this guy to prision for a long, long time. He is a career criminal, at age 19. I am glad things have worked out in your favor, and that you and your husband (and dog) are ok. As others have said, windows and doors can be fixed, missing items can be replaced, but the fact that no one got hurt (dog included) is a blessing in disguise.
I am glad you are all ok. It must be hard to feel comfortable in your home now that that sanctity has been violated. For that alone they should pay.........I hope they get very long prison terms.
glad the dog and you are fine. From what they took, my first inclination leaned towards teenager...maybe for fun and kicks or drugs...either way, I'll have to talk to my housemates about activating our alarm system during the day.