My week SUCKED!

Ghost Weim

Time to ride!!
Premium Member
Oct 11, 2008
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Southwest WI
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I am so, so pi*&ed! (Warning – kind of long post but I need to vent.)

I came home from work Monday to find my dog locked in our attached garage. :confused: I thought, this is odd, maybe my husband forgot to lock her in her room (which is very pluch and comfortable by the way) in the lower level of the house. I let her out for a pee, pulled the car in the garage and went in the house. When I got in, I thought, this is odd – Jeff left the entry closet door open. (We are kind of anal folk – things have their places in our house.) So, I headed down the stairs to turn off her light and radio and tidy up the room a bit. On my way down the stairs, I thought – gosh, it is really cold and I smell fresh air.

I rounded the corner and the basement door was open. My first reaction was – what the heck? Then I saw the window right next to the door – smashed to pieces – glass was every where. Then I saw the two computer desks – stuff pulled off the shelves and laying all over the place. Lights were on all over and closet doors opened. Her room – which also houses our gun collection was open. By that time I had called 911 and they told me to not touch anything. As I was reporting the crime I went back upstairs and looked at the bedroom. Drawers pulled out, clothes strewn all over – the closet had clothes pulled off the shelves and all the boxes and items on the floor was in a jumbled mess. I thought, no – this only happens in movies – not here! The dispatcher told me to leave the house. I had also called my husband and left a frantic message on his work machine and when he called me back yelled at me for walking through the house – I didn’t think about the fact that someone may still be there. :eek:

The local PD came and did a walk through – then a detective came and collected some evidence. Would you believe that they took a V8 jusice can from the fridge, drank some and then left the can on my piano? Dumb.

But here is where things stop making sense… We have 3 very current laptops – 2 in plain view – not taken. I have some very expensive jewelry pieces in my jewelry box as well as on a ring tree in one of the drawers they rummaged through – no piece of jewelry was taken. All of our medications (none prescription) are in the linen closet – not touched. They were able to locate the gun safe keys and opened 3 of the 4 doors – left all the high powered long rifle stuff – even an AR15 and a collectable Beretta Over & Under. So – what did they take? My 80GB iPod, Sony Cyber-shot camera, Beretta 3032 Tomcat (my favorite pistol!), Walther P22 with laser sight and my Nintendo DS. And you want to know the crowning glory? I had my Sims2 game in the Nintendo and I was at a pretty good spot – all that work is down the tubes.

I was SO thankful that Tara (dog) was not harmed. Someone had the decency to lock her in the garage where she would be safe. I think I would have been beside myself if she would have been harmed or missing. (No kids, so she is my kid.)

Tuesday was spent making repairs to a door that they tried to force through as well as boarding a window up. We felt so paranoid, neither me nor my husband wanted the house unattended. I wondered what they would come for next.

Wednesday – at 6:30pm – the door bell rings. There are 2 county cops in our driveway. There was another break-in that am – the guys actually used my gun. And – they were able to aprehend one person. He confessed to our break-in, told us the location of our other hand gun and gave them names of 5 other guys – which hopefully was the name of the others involvd in our break-in. As of Friday am, they actually had 4 of the 5 arrested! Can you believe it? I actually have faith in our local PD now. 2 of the guys were local – aged 19 and 20 and the other 2 were minors. Sick. I am thinking drug money based on what they took.

It still creeps me out. Jeff and I are continually looking at what we can do to make our house more thief unfriendly. We have beefed up our doors, are looking at security systems and are pondering what to do with the lower level windows (one of the other windows had a screen ripped off, but it looked like they dcided that wasn’t the best way in).

I am sad to say that I think we will see a lot more of this happening with the economy.
Wow!!! That sucks.

So glad to hear they left the dog alone, would have been hard to cope with. All the other things (although they could have sentimetal value or "favourite" status) are replaceable, but when it comes to living, breathing, family members, that gets hard.

Good luck with the security upgrades you are planning, hope it all goes well.

We sure did! :D

Took just a small little hit on it, but given the economy and what the XT's were going for on ebay - we did pretty good.

Now we are back to just two bikes in the garage - and both will get lots of miles this summer!

We need to chat again this week. :Flash:
Holy crap that's terrible!

As I was reading it I was totally thinking these are kids, dumb kids, not professionals.
To leave the valuables and expensive guns, and take video games and pistols, wow.

You need to get a combination safe, or one that requires a key AND a combo. Key safes are useless if you leave the keys in the house.

It's good they didn't hurt your dog, and even better you or your husband weren't home because while it's nice to fantasize about shooting intruders, sometimes they have the upper hand and you can get hurt.
Whoa...glad there wasn't anyone in there when you walked through...jeesh, gives you the creeps eh?

Glad you and your pup are ok.


I am sorry that happened to you all. I am very very glad that you will get your gun back sooner or later, well maybe anyway. I wish the justice system would do something with the bad ones and not coddle them though.

Good luck on upping the security around your place.
It's good they didn't hurt your dog, and even better you or your husband weren't home because while it's nice to fantasize about shooting intruders, sometimes they have the upper hand and you can get hurt.

You are right. Both he and I have talked a lot about what we would do if we were home and had someone break in. We both have been trained and hold permits for conceal carry - but that doesn't help at all when it happens. WI doesn't have a concealed carry law nor a castle doctrine, so you are pretty much screwed if you tried to protect yourself.

I really don't know what I would do - I think my reaction would be pretty knee-jerk and you would probably find me in our walk-in closet with the dog, a gun and my cell phone.
Sorry to hear this, it really hurts when your private space is intruded. Kudos for your Police department. People love to say how crap the Police are, yet they are who we turn to.

Bloody Hell !

Glad no one was home when that happened ,could have been nasty .Thieves are the lowest form of life in my book so I,m glad they got caught ,well done to the local cops.

Thankfully your dog is fine .

Security is paramount these days and I must admit I,m a bit paranoid about it .
More then likely these are neighborhood kids and know your dog and your traffic patterns. Definitely go to court over this and then file a civil suit for damages, target the minors since mommy and daddy will end up paying. People only learn when you take their free time and/or their money.

A Noisey Alarm (Brinkman) system will do the trick. Also, a large combination gun cabinet, that way the rifles, ammo, and jewelery and other odds and ends will fit. Yeah, it'll take up some closet space.

Also, hope no personal information was on the thumb drive...that's one way identity theft begins, when they get SSN's, maiden names, etc and sell it. Watch your mail, I recommend a PO box. Reason, they take those credit card applications and end up wreaking your credit, with the data they found on the thumb drive (if any).

Anyway, sorry for your loss, and glad to here they left the dog alone.:(
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Thank God you are both OK and the dog is fine! I am so sorry to hear that this happened but very happy to know the police there are on top of this and getting the job done.

How about discrete security cameras and a hidden DVR? Silent alarm system?

Take care and I hope you get all your items back!
Awful....being broken into is the worst...happened to me once, stole my PC with all my photo's of my sons first day at school....and my dog! amongst other stuff, like my Girlfriends car...(sorry MP), Car and stuff can be replaced, but those photo's were priceless...and i will never have them again.... we did get our dog back...3 days later...thank god, that would of broken my sons heart, if we didnt.

Great job by your local PD, it's nice when they renew your faith every now & then.

Glad your ok, hope the emotional trauma of being so violated goes away soon...glad that beautiful dog of your was ok too...
That is terrible, I'm glad your pup was fine.

They will go away for a long time because of the firearm theft and the use a firearm in a crime. They may have used their three strikes already.

I imagine the police will keep your things for a while.
Man, that must have been a really stressful week for sure! Glad that your puppy was OK and at least some restoration occurred. Hope that next week is much better for you guys!
:eek::eek::eek::disapprove::disapprove::disapprove:Sorry to hear of this. It's a hard fact of life now but that doesn't make it any easier.

Very happy to hear your baby was unharmed:cheer:. I don't have kids either and my pets are my kids too.

Roller shutters are a great energy saver and top security for your windows, but that still leaves the doors and roof as entry points. If they really want in, they'll get in.

Oh! And I think mantraps are frowned upon in most countries:(

Well done to your local Law Enforcement.:cheer:

Holy Hell!!! That is TERRIBLE! As many have already said; glad you, and others, were not there to be harmed and so very glad your puppy wasn't harmed. The security system is about the best thing you can do to protect your home. I'm also stoked that they caught the little MF's!

Good luck!
I am sorry that your week was so bad, but it is good that you are looking at the good things, such as your dog was fine, a lot of the big tag items were still there ect...
wall save with keyed and touch pad lock... hiddend nicely behind bedroom door... as soon as they open the door to come in, it hides itself. :thumbup:


big ass keyed and touchpad lock safe.... both safes i keep the keys to the opposite in... (wall safe key in large safe, large safe key in wall safe)


glad to hear your ok... luckily it happened when you were not there... dumbass kids... i have always pondered the idea of cameras... they make a wireless system that hooks to your computers network, that way you cuold be on vacation in china and be able to go to your houses network and check on things... or be in your bedroom, hear a bang, and pull up a camera to check on the doors