My New Shoei Quest


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May 5, 2007
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Placed order on Friday afternoon the 18th and received this Monday afternoon, the 21st.

Ethereal Blue $329.00
Spectra Blue CW-1 Visor $63.00
Shipping & Handling $8.50

This will replace my Shoei RF1000, a little over two years old, but worn just about every single day.

Biggest noticeable difference from the two, the outer shell seems a bit larger and has a slight different shape. The spacing between my chin and the chin guard is much greater, the biggest drawback about the RF1000. It also fits much tighter than my RF1000, maybe because my cushions aren't worn in yet, but I do have the option of purchasing thinner cheek pads if I need to. I have yet to actually wear the helmet while riding.


Killer graphics combination! That face shield! :rockon: Love my Shoei.
Congratulations Kenny!
Looking forward to a ride report. How quiet is it? How much air flow?

Very quiet, it's like being inside a Mercedes. Air flow..I had the vents closed, maybe that's why it was so quiet. I was running anywhere between 80-90mph indicated on my speedo.

The visor is optically perfect. No distortion at all. The extra height of the visor allows you to look through your helmet as if you weren't using a helmet at all.

Looks great! How did you get that deal? I'm seeing $469.99...

The listed price for the Quest Graphic helmets is $469. The lowest I've seen them advertised was $429. The $329 price that I received was with my MSF Rider Coach discount. The benefits of being an instructor, you get discounts on just about anything.
Any issues to report since you've had a little more time with your new helmet? I'm having major helmet envy and this new shoei is at the top of the list!
Any issues to report since you've had a little more time with your new helmet? I'm having major helmet envy and this new shoei is at the top of the list!

The helmet is fitting even better now since my cheek pads are starting to wear in.
I have been looking at the Shoei Qwest as I am doing a Tennessee run from Tampa and back in late May. I need a better helmet than the Scorpion EXO 1000 I have. That helmet is noisy and the front compresses my forehead even though the reset fits OK. Plus I heard it leaks in the rain.

Thanks for the review/feedback. I wondered how you got it for $329. :D
Just got a Shoei Qwest yesterday (I got it because my Shark RSR2 was not quite shaped right for my head and got uncomfortable to wear over 1 hour).

Anyway, my first impression of the Qwest is very good. I rode to work with it today, and here are some notes:
Seemed to fog a little easily this morning, especially compared with my Shark visor. It may need some aftermarket coating to make it a little better. It does have the little latch to crack open the visor, which helps to get rid of the fog quickly once moving.
Visibility is very good, opening seems to be taller than on my Shark, so I do not really see the top or bottom of the opening, which is nice.
Comfort - It fits my head shape nicely, and was comfortable this morning.
Venting - As a test, I started on the highway with all vents closed, then opened them one at a time to see the airflow. Some reviews say the top vent does not flow much, but I opened that first, and I could feel the air, and it seemed significant, more so than the Shark in my opinion. Bottom vent also flows a ton of air, and it directs it up the inside of the visor, so the circulation is nice over your face. Opening the back vents can also be felt. So in all, I think the ventilation is nice...We will see if I still feel the same on the way home when it is 85 instead of 70 out.
Noise - Pretty quiet, not significantly quieter than the Shark, but the tone of the wind noise was a little lower pitched, which made it seem quieter. I did notice a slight squeaky/whistling noise when turning my head both with and without vents open. VegasRider, do you notice this?

All in all, seems like a good helmet, I look forward to getting more time with it.