My impatience almost cost me dearly


Junior Member
Mar 31, 2013
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Let me preface this by saying I was doing something very, very stupid.

On the local highway (405 to get on 26 W for you Oregon riders) there is always a huge backed-up line of cars merging on to the 26 way before the actual intersection of the ramp. Me, being the little ass I am, decide to try to get ahead of the traffic all the way to where it actually merges (how much time am I really saving here?) because it is finals week (my last week of school!) and I have been stressed about studying/working/daily s***, etc. No...there's really no excuse.

So as I'm being a wonderful human being trying to cut in front of all these distressed cagers, I come up to the ramp entrance, trying to squeeze my little self between two tons of bone crushing metal. As I'm merging over, the jeep in the lane I am merging into speeds up (probably looking over his shoulder) and starts to merge into ME. So, instead of getting BACK onto the freeway and taking the next exit and doing it all over, I decide I'm going to try and speed up and make the exit. So I speed up. Looking up in horror, I notice there is a GIANT ****ING MEDIAN that would love to fly me 100 feet into the nearest windshield, and I'm gunning 40mph towards it. I had absolutely no clearance to swerve with the angle I was doing. I had limited options. In the split seconds I saw my life flash before my eyes (joking, but serious ;) ) I notice there is a little ramped "curb" that slopes into the hard flat top of the median. No, don't target fixate, focus where you want to go. Only there was NO WHERE else to go.

So up I went, caught a little air but came down safely and stayed in my lane. Stayed calm. Started shaking my head at myself at my impatience and stupidity. I didn't have to learn the hard way, but I learned.

TL;DR - I hit a median on the freeway but made it OK. Be patient. If you're going to be an idiot, at least stay calm. I'm sure all of you know this by now though.
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I call I-405 SKID ROW and that IS were all Jeep drivers coagulate and rear end people while texting!!! 405 is Nasty. Nothing but skid marks from hits and an occasional near miss of rear-ending someone... Its a coagulated mess of drivers swapping across 2 to 3 lanes in both directions all at once. Those on the right want left, those on the left want right and merge into 70 mph traffic. It has FUBAR written all over it and many a cage has been laid to rest there.


That said, you dodged a bullet and are alive. Sadly, waiting in line is no picnic either. Leave a huge space (others will take it), but it gives you options.....

Be safe and good luck on the finals!

A snapshot:
From here it doesn't look so bad. But folks; its bad during rush hour traffic.
wow man i am glad you made it out ok! on top of all the other things you have going on in life atm a crash and injury is the last thing you (or anyone) need! and sounds like you would have blamed yourself, big time. so good for you riding well enough in that instant to escape harm

that said this is why more states need to have lane splitting. a rider just gets used to it, being close to cars, between trucks, and the whole mess. that pic posted by FinalImpact looks daunting to many but i have a feeling to fellow Cali riders it looks like a playground for a bike, excitement waiting to happen. we just slice right through it down here

ride safe, dude. oh, and always know whats ahead of traffic before you decide to dart out in front of it. and yes, be patient. i am often in a hurry but even when lane splitting sometimes because of other traffic conditions (intersections, lights, crosswalks, road work, lack of space, etc) a rider is only going to make it so far, anyway. and sometimes it is safer to arrive at the next traffic light a little late then early, as you're not going to make it through, anyway. so you just gotta know when to take it easy, and when to go for it
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Glad you're still in one piece, we've all had our moments over the years, as long as we learn from it, it can be a positive thing, having said that try to be be a bit more aware of your surroundings in the future, here's to many years of accident free riding :thumbup:
Let me preface this by saying I was doing something very, very stupid.

On the local highway (405 to get on 26 W for you Oregon riders) there is always a huge backed-up line of cars merging on to the 26 way before the actual intersection of the ramp. Me, being the little ass I am, decide to try to get ahead of the traffic all the way to where it actually merges (how much time am I really saving here?) because it is finals week (my last week of school!) and I have been stressed about studying/working/daily s***, etc. No...there's really no excuse.

So as I'm being a wonderful human being trying to cut in front of all these distressed cagers, I come up to the ramp entrance, trying to squeeze my little self between two tons of bone crushing metal. As I'm merging over, the jeep in the lane I am merging into speeds up (probably looking over his shoulder) and starts to merge into ME. So, instead of getting BACK onto the freeway and taking the next exit and doing it all over, I decide I'm going to try and speed up and make the exit. So I speed up. Looking up in horror, I notice there is a GIANT ****ING MEDIAN that would love to fly me 100 feet into the nearest windshield, and I'm gunning 40mph towards it. I had absolutely no clearance to swerve with the angle I was doing. I had limited options. In the split seconds I saw my life flash before my eyes (joking, but serious ;) ) I notice there is a little ramped "curb" that slopes into the hard flat top of the median. No, don't target fixate, focus where you want to go. Only there was NO WHERE else to go.

So up I went, caught a little air but came down safely and stayed in my lane. Stayed calm. Started shaking my head at myself at my impatience and stupidity. I didn't have to learn the hard way, but I learned.

TL;DR - I hit a median on the freeway but made it OK. Be patient. If you're going to be an idiot, at least stay calm. I'm sure all of you know this by now though.

I thought it would be a great idea to cut around a guy turning left in an intersection and go straight. The guy opposite our lane turning left didn't think it was such a good idea :Flash:. Sometimes we make dumb mistakes... glad you're ok!
Some traffic scenarios these days! Worse one recently was trying to maneuver (cage) in order to get into the dedicated lanes for the US border crossing in Tijuana (world's busiest border crossing?). A turn off was coned off Mexico style (no info). It was unmanageable. Anyway, nice recovery because you played it right. Here in California, lane splitting would be routine to filter through something like that. But still, yes, gets tricky sometimes and it's not always worth it to save on some time. Sucks belonging to the Stupid Mistake club (yeah, includes me).
Thanks for the post and glad you survived without much incidence and gained some valuable experience from it. In our MSF classes we talk about ladder of risk, chain of events, primary and mitigating causes of accidents. It's usually not just one thing that causes the crash but a combination of things. Just something to ponder. :thumbup: I'm sure your jump over the median was something to see :eek: