My foster niece is being adopted...this is the video


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May 9, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario
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This is the video that will be played at the adoption/entrustment ceremony. My sister has had her since she was 2 days old. Now she is going to her forever home in 2 weeks.

Thanks to Darkrider for telling me about windows movie really was a dummy proof program...I came up with this!!

[ame=]YouTube - Entrustment Video_0001.wmv[/ame]
:cheer:Yes! Love is AWESOME!:cheer:
Thanks for brightening our day Steph and you did a great job on the video!:rockon:
:cheer:Yes! Love is AWESOME!:cheer:
Thanks for brightening our day Steph and you did a great job on the video!:rockon:

I thought it was pretty good after I finished it and watched it beginning to end and got a bit teary. While I was working on it I was to busy with the program.
Thanks for the input, I hope my sister and the new parents like it too :)
Nice video work! This is by far my favorite pic that you composed!:D Thanks for sharing the cuteness.:rockon:
Great stuff Steph! Wow! What a difficult, and at the same time, a happy time too.

Lets hope her new Mummy & Daddy give her as much love as your sister, and Family have given the little ray of sunshine already!

Thanks for making me smile, and tear up at the same time!

Yup, made me tear up too......

when she's older, I hope she'll see this video & maybe remember how much she was cared for & loved by you all. :hug:
I should NOT have watched this at work - 'scuse me while I go to the ladies room and wipe my eyes and blow my nose. (Taking deep breaths). You sister and family are truly special! Congratulations to all! (gotta go now, sniff)
The video is such a wonderful idea! And you did an awesome job!!

And now I have to go find a tissue..... :cheer::cheer:
Steph, awesome job!!! I have been doing these types of videos for over 15 years now. You really captured the true essence of that little girl! Great song choice as well. I'm sure there will not be a dry eye in the house. I wish you and yours all the best.
Thanks for the great input folks. The forever parents saw it and the mom started crying and asked for a copy so Pamula could watch it when she gets older. Made the hours I spent on it worth it. Just the thought that Pamula will know how loved she was by our family.
the little girl will know she was welcomed into the world and cherished as a lovely little squirt.

she won't get older and ever feel depressed about being born unwanted. you've done well to make the video.