My first FZ6 - To celebrate my first week of ownership


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Feb 26, 2016
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San Diego, CA
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Picked this up last week. Immediately replaced all of the fluids and plugs. Took it out today for a canyon trip to scrub the edge of the tires in. Wasn't a great day. The road I picked (a new one for me) was damn awful. Literally everything that could've gone wrong with the road did. Piles of sand in the corners, groups of tar snakes so big that I actually think someone just spilled tar on the road, spilled paint in turns, huge gaping holes, oil slick... Ugh.

It's been quite a learning experience trying to adapt to an I4 coming from an SV650. I'm still keeping the RPMs low in turns for now (3rd gear at 45-50mph) as I'm not quite used to a powerband yet, but I am learning, and enjoying the experience.

There's a lot of little mods on this guy, I'm not sure I could list them all, but it's a great machine!

Welcome, yeah the FZ6 is a whole different animal once you get above 8k rpms, really has a lot of power once you let her get there.

And congrats on recognizing those road hazards before they recognized you! :eek:
The faster blue one. Enjoy! That road sucked man! Good job surviving it. We have a road near us (La Porte Rd) that we attempt to survive the first half to get to the good stuff, but that good stuff is really good! Mostly what you described. Not fun! I don't usually go that way because of the crappy first half.

Enjoy the bike! As others have mentioned, get those revs up. Totally different animal. My son has an SV650. I've ridden both. The SV will pull from any gear with that V-twin (I know I tried it, don't tell my son). The FZ doesn't. But when you figure it out, you will love it! Lower gears will keep revs up for pull out of the corner without going at supersonic speeds through the curves.
+1 Read the road and survive! A buddy of mine likes to say.... " even when it's bad it's good when riding" :)

It's pretty funny going back to the GoPro footage of the ride. Every other turn you just hear me say "You've got to be fu**ing kidding me", and then I dump the throttle and pick the lamest apex at a sexy 30mph to get through the mess.

I'm going out to the canyons this weekend, I will work on keeping the bike in 2nd-3rd gear and trying to stay around 7-9k.
Welcome, yeah the FZ6 is a whole different animal once you get above 8k rpms, really has a lot of power once you let her get there.

Agreed. Everything past noon on the RPM gauge is the fun zone, but I'd recommend at least a few weeks of ownership because it takes a while to get the control. Drop it down a gear as you get to the corners to effect engine braking then smoothly roll on the throttle and lean through the appropriate corners to tighten her up on the way out. Never gets old. :rockon: