My Bike is on

Gary in NJ

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May 6, 2014
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Amoungst the Twisty Roads
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I like things my way, and I've built a lot of cool things in my life including an airplane (an RV6), a few cars, a few houses...and of course motorcycles. For the last 10 years or so I've pretty much have stuck to motorcycles because they are my first love (been riding since I was 9) and they are a lot less expensive to make/change than the other projects I've taken on.

A few weeks back asked for reader ride submissions. There are a lot of really cool bikes out there and I know mine isn't up to par with those, but I figured I'd submit my bike anyway just to see. I was the second bike they featured. This makes me so proud/happy because I really sweated all of the details on this bike. It was a total mess when I got it, and after I started riding it I discovered many things that I wanted to improve - so I tore it back down to the frame again and really built a dream bike. This bike is about pure simplicity. A 30hp thumper in a 290 pound bike. It's handles great and has a nice ride...and it's not the torture rack that it may appear to be.

My DRZ Scrambler will be finished this week too. That bike is real cool....
Beautiful Gary. I have always admired the ability to take something that has been neglected and do more than make it functional, but make it beautiful. Congrats on the write up. The finished product looks gorgeous!
What a beauty! Congratulations Gary! Did you ever finish that yellow bike! That was another piece of artwork you did.
How very cool!! Congrates!

I bought a belt drive Savage for the x years ago (4 speed only)... Was those changes before or after yours?

Here it is many years ago, bone stock(great bike, super basic, super dependable too!):

My bike originally had a belt final drive, I went with a chain for a better 60’s vibe. The ‘97’s and beyond we’re all 5 speed transmissions.

My bike wasn’t rideable when I got it, so I never rode it as a Savage. My first ride on it was after spends money and time on it. I was concerned that I wouldn’t like it. That concern went away after about 100 yards. It’s one of the most enjoyable motorcycles I’ve ever ridden. A ton of personality.