My bike, first pics!


Junior Member
Jun 29, 2009
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Cardiff, UK
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Thought I'd post up some pics after a good cleaning session earlier today! :D

Here you can see my home made 6 LED high level brake light.
I got a real problem imagining you on such a sensible looking bike (from past experience) :BLAA:

Looks good all the same..Love the colour scheme :thumbup:
Great looking Fazer :thumbup:
. . . . makes me think I need to clean mine, but it's poring down with rain, so it's not going to happen today :rolleyes:

Like the LEDs in the box, can we have some more detail on how you "home made them" and some pictures (perhaps a new thread ?)

Also I'm really thinking getting hand guards and it would either be the Barkbusters S1 or Acerbis

How pleased are you with your Barkbusters, do they really keep enough wind off so you don't need heated grips ? (and again do you have any photos showing the mounting).

Many thanks :D
Gilo: You're not the first one to say that! People are used to seeing me on sports bikes clad in leather with a black visor and a tiny number plate! But we all grow old and at the end of the day it's a commuter (If I had the cash there's be a R1 sat next to it!)...

Oldbiker: I'm not a massive fan of the top box either but it's there to serve a purpose (It carries my extra large lunchbox to work!). I don't think the perspective in the photos helps, it doesn't look that big in real life!...

Senior: I'll get some photos up of the handguard fitting once I've cleaned myself up (just been out on the mountain bike :D). I'll consider a how to on the LED's but it means taking the box apart again so might not get round to it today. They're really effective in the cold weather. I don't think they'll substitute for heated grips (in extreme cold, like -10 as it was a few weeks ago) but the both together worked a treat leaving a nice bubble of warm air behind the guard. Had to take my heated grips off because they broke but have been impressed with the guards alone and some merino wool glove liners. Kept my hands warm at -2 degrees for 60 miles on the motorway anyway!
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OK Senior here you go. This is how the handguards attach. As you can see it's a simple fitting, takes 5 minutes (then an hour to get them lined up perfectly if you're as picky as me!).
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Here's a quick idea on how I did the high level LED brake light for those who have asked. I can't really do a how to because I heat shrunk ceratin parts etc. This should give you a good idea though.My box is a Yamaha item but I'm sure this idea could be applied to others so I won't make it Yam specific...

As you can see in the photo, behind the reflector on the Yamaha box there's a black piece of plastic ideal for firring LED's into. So I drilled the holes and fitted the LED's (5mm Superbright White LED : Agilight LEDs : Maplin) in the little LED clip carriers (LED Clips / Covers : LED Clips and Covers : Maplin)...

Next thing to do was bend the LED legs over, cut them to length and solder them together anode to cathode. This was done in two groups of three as each LED is rated at 3.6V meaning they'd be too dim all wired together. In order to get 3.6V across each LED a resistor is needed on each set of three to bring the 14V supply (with engine running) down to the required 10.8V (3X3.6V). I used this calculator LED Resistor Calculator and came up with 106ohms (using the LED's in serial box). I think I fitted 100ohm resistors as the LED's will take 100mA peak and they're only ever on for short periods. Better than dimming them down with a 120ohm. I've included a wiring diagram...

Then it's just a case of splicing into the brake light cable and running wires. I can't remember which is the brake light cable but a multimeter will do the job. You're looking for 0V with brakes off then +14V brakes on & engine running. I used a Tamiya plug so I can take the box off when I need to. Then drilled a small hole in the bottom of the top box and fitted a grommet. I ran the wire around the inside of the top box with duck tape (must get some black), leaving a bit of slack around the hinge. Then another hole and grommet to feed the wires into the reflector...

Sorry it's not the best right up guys but pictures tell a thousand words and I reckon you'll get a good idea from these...
Well done! That looks great! :thumbup:

The LED lights are a great addition and what a savings on money!
OK Senior here you go. This is how the handguards attach. As you can see it's a simple fitting, takes 5 minutes (then an hour to get them lined up perfectly if you're as picky as me!).

Hey Jonno, many thanks for the pictures and also the write up on the LEDs in your topbox.

I like the fact that you were on the forum after you'd been mountain biking and before you had got cleaned up. :thumbup: (got your priorities correct :D ) Sunday mornings are mountain biking for me usually . . .
Hey Jonno, many thanks for the pictures and also the write up on the LEDs in your topbox.

I like the fact that you were on the forum after you'd been mountain biking and before you had got cleaned up. :thumbup: (got your priorities correct :D ) Sunday mornings are mountain biking for me usually . . .

Yep, big ride this morning so needed to sit down for a while to muster up the energy to shower lol! Legs turned to Jelly! Think I need a dirtbike, all the off road fun, none of the pedalling!
Great bike! Congratulations! I've got the Yamaha top box on mine also. Love the tail light mod, brilliant. The hand guards are a nice touch - I've though about installing those for cold weather rides.

Dean :canada:
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