My baby is gone

Very sorry to hear this. My 1978 RD400 was stolen at college. Pretty low when you consider most students only have one mode of transportation.

Every time I read or hear about someone's bike being stolen, I remember my RD400. Still affects me, but I've learned to remember how much fun it was carving up the canyons around SoCal.

Like others have said, I hope karma catches up with the low life that stole you bike. Hopefully you'll find something to replace the FZ6.

I have a 2006 FZ6 and 2006 Vino 125 scooter and full insurance is $276 for both per year from Allstate. I have auto and house thru them too.

Lastly, thank you for your service. You've already gained props from Karma for keeping us free. Hang in there!
I'm so sorry dude! They ****ing took mine 2 weeks ago! Had a post decal on the windscreen. Sorry bastards!!

I have lost all faith in humanity... Sorry man I wish I could cut their hands off!!!!
Insurance even full coverage is a joke. I paid 9k W/ financing on my 08 new! It's "fair retail" is 5200$ minus 750$ deductable. And I owe 3200$ (it was almost paid off!!!) I am still out 6k$. Those life's! Who has a mentality to want to steal something they didn't earn!!!! FML!!
So, here goes. I'm hoping to hear from other people that have made it through my recent travesty. I've paid attention to this forum for a long time but just added an active account. So, here goes. My one escape, my outlet, my Narnia was my 2009 FZ6. I bought it used last summer for $6,000. I saved and paid in cash after busting my ass over the course of a few deployments. I love my family tremendously but, my FZ6 was what put all the frustration and difficultly at ease. Well, today it is gone. Some scum bag snagged it last night right from my drive way... I know I know. I forgot to put it back in my garage. I was spraying some paint and didn't want over spray to get on my bike, but I forgot. I left her out and she was stolen. Now, I'm screwed. I paid in full and had liability only. So, I'm out $6,000. As a lowly enlisted military member I will not be able to afford another bike for years to come. So, have any of you had to deal with this? I seriously feel like I was just raped...... and I want blood.
Hope you get it it too; blood that is.
I feel your pain, had the same thing happen years ago. I had a $5,000 FJ1200 stolen, and I too only had liability. (They wanted $2,200 a year for full coverage)
Hope you find the bike, 'n dickless little scum bags who stole it! :spank:
it truly sucks, some people have no respect, hope it comes back to you and they get whats coming to them
i feel sorry for you and angry for what happened, there s no justice and people dont know where to draw the line as to what is their s and what is not.

Erci' s suggestion is actually very good, find an older bike that doesnt need a lot of tinkering. many can be had for decent prices. it will give you a blast for sure.

i have an older 2 stroke 100cc bike that i restored to use to work. beleive me it puts a smile on my face as well, you can take corners with gusto without releasing the throttle.
Damn so sorry for your loss. Also thank you for your service. I had one of my bikes stolen a few months ago outside of my house where it had been parked for 7 years. I reported it to the police on the off chance it turns up and better yet to my mechanic as all the illegal riders go to him.

I can't believe how much insurance is in CA in PA I pay like $250 per year.
Damn so sorry for your loss. Also thank you for your service. I had one of my bikes stolen a few months ago outside of my house where it had been parked for 7 years. I reported it to the police on the off chance it turns up and better yet to my mechanic as all the illegal riders go to him.

I can't believe how much insurance is in CA in PA I pay like $250 per year.

Not to sound like a dick, but if your mechanics and has buddies that delve in **** like that. Then you all deserve a special spot in hell.

Why are thieves so hard that they won't try to take your bike while your on it? Let alone take something someone has put blood sweat and tears into.

Take them all out. Even the ones that heard about it and knew and were too chicken **** to do the right thing. That's just as bad as stealing the damn thing yourself. They all should burn.
So, here goes. I'm hoping to hear from other people that have made it through my recent travesty. I've paid attention to this forum for a long time but just added an active account. So, here goes. My one escape, my outlet, my Narnia was my 2009 FZ6. I bought it used last summer for $6,000. I saved and paid in cash after busting my ass over the course of a few deployments. I love my family tremendously but, my FZ6 was what put all the frustration and difficultly at ease. Well, today it is gone. Some scum bag snagged it last night right from my drive way... I know I know. I forgot to put it back in my garage. I was spraying some paint and didn't want over spray to get on my bike, but I forgot. I left her out and she was stolen. Now, I'm screwed. I paid in full and had liability only. So, I'm out $6,000. As a lowly enlisted military member I will not be able to afford another bike for years to come. So, have any of you had to deal with this? I seriously feel like I was just raped...... and I want blood.

1) This sucks.
2) Thank you for your service.
3) Do you have renter's insurance?
Thanks to everyone for the positivity. I've had time to calm down and think about things. I can't do anything about my stolen bike. It's gone, forget about it. I have been pushed in another direction. I've always wanted to build my own bobber. I've decided that now is no better time than ever. I'm going with a vstar 1100 which can be found in good condition and reasonably priced. Ill gut it out and build what I've always wanted. Thanks again and good bye fz6
Ah man. Feeling your pain right now. We moved to Tucson a few years back and had a few things stolen, namely our bikes-hard to understand if you aren't a hardcore rider, but it stung something fierce. I can't imagine losing my FZ. Those F'ers deserve all the bad karma they have coming their way. So sorry dude.
Thanks to everyone for the positivity. I've had time to calm down and think about things. I can't do anything about my stolen bike. It's gone, forget about it. I have been pushed in another direction. I've always wanted to build my own bobber. I've decided that now is no better time than ever. I'm going with a vstar 1100 which can be found in good condition and reasonably priced. Ill gut it out and build what I've always wanted. Thanks again and good bye fz6

Just a thought but why not contact the local media. Tell them you just returned from overseas to have your motorcycle stolen. Make sure to tell them this was your "stress reliever". The local news would be all over it,"Local Hero has Motorcycle Stolen". If enough people know about it some good leads might be generated to help find the bike.
While I admire the proactive approach, it wont work in Los Angeles. LA is an animal on its own. A stolen motorcycle is nothing here. Murders, rapes, etc happen everyday. I'm fine with it. Besides, I look at my job like a 9-5. There are plenty of people who are over looked everyday that work unbelievably harder than myself. My bike is gone and I learned my lesson. Charge it to the tough game of life. My next bobbed out machine will be heavy gauge chained and kept in my garage. Sometimes learning is expensive, especially for hard headed people like myself. Any advice for installing a pipe bomb which explodes upon unauthorized ignition?
While I admire the proactive approach, it wont work in Los Angeles. LA is an animal on its own. A stolen motorcycle is nothing here. Murders, rapes, etc happen everyday. I'm fine with it. Besides, I look at my job like a 9-5. There are plenty of people who are over looked everyday that work unbelievably harder than myself. My bike is gone and I learned my lesson. Charge it to the tough game of life. My next bobbed out machine will be heavy gauge chained and kept in my garage. Sometimes learning is expensive, especially for hard headed people like myself. Any advice for installing a pipe bomb which explodes upon unauthorized ignition?

NO but if you figure it out without blowing yourself up, then let me know.