Moving to Chicago.... keep my fz6?


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Apr 18, 2010
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Austin, TX
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So a job opportunity might land me in Chicago come this September. I wanted some feedback from you guys on whether or not I should take my FZ6 there or sell it before I move. I currently live in Austin, TX where I feel safe riding daily. Having never been to Chicago, can anyone give their opinions on riding in the Chicago, how safe/dangerous it is, or anything else that I may want to know in making my decision?

And as a heads up, If I decide to sell my FZ6, I'll be posting my Two Bros. CF Slip-ons on the forum to sell separately from my bike. Damn shame since I just slapped them on less than two months ago. :(
it is up to you, but i would bring it. I have been to both cities and although you will now experience winters unlike anything you have ever seen before ... bring the bike.

Chicago is a great city and you will regret not having your bike living there.
Chicago traffic is crazy, but the FZ6 is the PERFECT bike for that type of riding. There are lots of places to go outside the city too.

I think you should keep it. You'll need to find a place to store it for 4-5 months, but other than that it's easy.

+1 on the winter. You cannot prepare for what's about to happen to you.....
I've never been to Chicago, but every time they go outside on ER it seems to be snowing.

Take the bike, and a jacket....

:rof::rof: That's like saying every time you see Australia on TV there will be a Kangaroo on your front lawn- well perhaps it's true.

May not be snowing but there is a good chance the wind will be blowing:rolleyes:
I lived in Chicago for a short time, I would definately keep the bike. Rush-hours are pretty bad there and people drive fast there but not reckless in my opinion. Winters are tough but still a lot of good riding to be had. If you want to part with the slip-ons PM me, I would definately be interested.:thumbup:
I've been TDY to Chicago dozens of times over the past ten years; I'd have no problem riding my FZ up there. Just make sure you have a garage for the winter months. ;)
Really, the only city I've been to (in the US) where I wouldn't own a bike is Boston... (flame-suit, check!) :spank:
If you've ever done some urban riding you'll be fine. I'd try to aviod the interstate at all cost near there however. It's a beautiful city that rivals new york in a lot of ways. You won't have a long riding season and the wind off of the lake will SUCK some days but I imagine there is some nice riding to be had not far out of town.
I've been TDY to Chicago dozens of times over the past ten years; I'd have no problem riding my FZ up there. Just make sure you have a garage for the winter months. ;)
Really, the only city I've been to (in the US) where I wouldn't own a bike is Boston... (flame-suit, check!) :spank:

LOL, I live south of Boston, ride through a few times a year heading North. Also ride around the city for kicks late night sometimes. :)

Also lived @ 50 miles west of Chicago for a few years. One of the benefits for bikers in Chi-town is you are just south of Harley Country. People out that way seem more aware of bikes, especially when you get out of the city. And getting out of the city, at least north and west of the city, is awesome. Lots of good roads. Again, I was 50 miles west but I could point the bike north on a week night after work and ride for hours without seeing another vehicle. It was a great area to ride with the intention of getting lost and then finding your way home.

FWIIW, There are a ton of awesome roads north of Boston too. :)
I live outside of Chicago. I ride into the city only about once per month, mostly on weekends. It would not be too much fun at rush hour, but few cities are. I ride from late March to late Nov or early Dec. depending on when the first snow comes. Heated gear gives lets me go later and start earlier. But reading about all of the riders in the south or Calf. or down under, kills me during the winter.
If you think Chicago has winter, go find Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on the map. That's where I spent the last five years.

Chicago is great place to have a bike. You're close to good riding in SW Wisconsin, the UP of Michigan, and many other places.
hey Skeebo, so did you move to Chicago yet? Kept the FZ6? It would make sense to keep it, if you have sold it you're essentially saying I'm not going to ride anymore, which is not true is it?

I'm north side of Chicago, PM me if you want to ride or something
I lived in Chicago for 8 years.

I woudl sell the FZ6 and buy a dirt bike and track bike to replace it. Street riding in and around Chicago sucks, period.
I've never lived in Chicago, but when I'm there (during the non-winter months) I've wished I had the bike.

I'm working on my long distance riding stamina to be able to take my bike there sometime soon.
I came from a smaller and slower paced town than Chicago and I was also concerned about the big city traffic.

But now I live and ride in and around Chicago for the past 16+ years. Its not a problem with traffic. Living in a big just have to get used to the traffic and ride more aware and dictate your space in rush hour.

Traffic gets congested just like LA but you can't lane split here legally.

There's a rather active and large group of sportbike and motorcycle crowd here so you'll find lots of street and track riding.

For the winter, you can always find some other riders who rent space to put away your bike and share the cost.

Having a motorcycle and riding it downtown is great since it is much easier to find a space for your bike.

Bring it and ride it.
Having lived in a large metropolitan city all my life, I don't think there is any city where I would be uncomfortable riding my bike. Toronto, New York, Chicago, Boston and many smaller cities have all been conquered by me on a bike without issue. Once you get used to the traffic and the other drivers' behaviour it's easy as pie. It will take some adjustment if you haven't driven in a large city a lot before.

Otherwise Chicago is easily one of my favourite cities, and the first place I think of when I have a long weekend and nothing to do.
Take it.. I'm 60 miles NW of Chicago and there's tons of bikes..

That being said, I travel for a living and am down "south" all the time.. What you'll find is that the further North you go, the more you see motorcycles (of all kinds). I've been down in Texas, Louisiana, Florida, etc. on PERFECT days of 75 degrees out and sunny, and only see 2-3 bikes all day!! On that same day, with weather in the midwest being 45 degrees, you'll see dozens of riders out.. When it hits 75 around here, you'll see hundreds, if not thousands of bikes out, depending on your location..

In two weeks from today, there's an event called the Slimey Crud Run, which starts in Pine Bluff, WI.. Unless it's absolutely miserable, there will be 3000 or more MOTORCYCLISTS (not bikers) at this event, milling around, looking at bikes, and BSing with each other..

Today I sold my VFR to a guy 60 miles from me.. I rode over to deliver it.. It was raining and barely 50 degrees out.. In that 60 miles I saw more than 3 dozen bikes, out riding in that same crappy weather..

Chicago riding season is from Salt to Salt.. I stop riding when they start salting the roads for snow, typically mid-December.. I start my riding season after a good rain, washing salt off the roads in late-March... That's still a 8 month riding season or more!!

Keep the bike.. You'll have plenty of folks to ride with you!!
I agree with everything paper said above.

Last year I winterized it the first week of December, and took it back out 3rd week of March. I don't mind the cold as much as I can always bundle up and my ASV's are easy to use with gloves, but there is no way I'm doing a lot if riding once they salt. Around here, they literally coat the streets with that crap.

You'll want it for a nice Sunday cruise down LSD at some point!


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