Monterey to Big Sur and back


Elite Member
Jun 15, 2009
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Monterey, CA
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Today I took the bike on a ride down Highway 1 in central California. I started in Monterey (where I live) and headed down through Big Sur state park. Rode a bit past the actual park entrance, stopped somewhere and then turned around to head back.

It was a great ride and was a total of 80 miles. It started getting a bit cold and even rained a little on the way back, but other than that it was a great road.

Here are a few pics I took. Does anyone know of some good (free) video editing software? I had a gopro on my helmet the whole way, figured I'd chop it down some since it would be a long video.















No, I wasn't riding the line. Somehow the camera took a picture when I set it to record video. This was right as I turned onto the street to start heading back.
"Cool" pictures! Both figuratively and literally. You made me feel like I was really lucky when I rode that route a few weeks ago and the weather was a bit more clear.

Sorry I can't help with the video editing info, but I'm interested in seeing the answers you get. I see a video camera in my future...

"Cool" pictures! Both figuratively and literally. You made me feel like I was really lucky when I rode that route a few weeks ago and the weather was a bit more clear.

Sorry I can't help with the video editing info, but I'm interested in seeing the answers you get. I see a video camera in my future...


The weather is so weird in this area. Parts of the ride were sunny and warm, others were cloudy, foggy and rainy.

I also figured out why there was a photo taken by the gopro... I should've looked at it before hitting the road. Somehow I hit the wrong buttons and it took a photo instead of any video on the ride back. :rolleyes:
Great pictures! My wife Lisa and I did that ride along the coast a few years ago. Beautiful area!
Yes, it's spectecular scenery on the Hiway One but over the years it's become an almost certainty to end up behind caravans of vehicles, expecially on nice days. Nice pics!
Yes, it's spectecular scenery on the Hiway One but over the years it's become an almost certainty to end up behind caravans of vehicles, expecially on nice days. Nice pics!

That was definitely the case. The fast I would go, the sooner I'd run into a group of cars doing the speed limit at best. Fortunately, there are so many spots to pull off and check out the cliffs and ocean. Worst case, I would just pull off for a few minutes to stretch my legs, take in the surroundings, then hop back on the road when it looked like it had cleared out a bit.

The tourist season is going to end sometime in the near future, so hopefully that will thin out the traffic. From what I've been told, the best months (weather-wise) are later in the year and after the tourists have packed up and gone home. :D