Miracles happen


Elite Member
Aug 9, 2009
Reaction score
Back in San Bernardino, Ca.
Let me start off by saying that the rider survived, I don't know how but he did.

Went for a ride on Sunday with the Triumph group, plan was to go up Hwy 18 and over to Running Springs for pizza. Headed up 18 riding sweep as I like to do with group rides and about 3 miles up I come around a corner and see one of the riders waving his arms like crazy and trying to get his helmet off, thought he had caught a bee. Only his bike was in the turn out so I didn't think we had an accident but stopped to offer assistance and it was then that he said another rider (Phil) had went over, not his bike but just Phil. Found Phil's bike across 18 up against the bank. Tried to find where Phil was but the bank was so steep you could not see where he landed, first thought was nobody could survive the fall. His brother in law climbed down the cliff to offer assistance we later found out that he used his tee shirt to stop the bleeding for a big gash on Phil's leg, Paramedics said he did good.
Rescue got there in good time and had to belay down the cliff about 200 ft., also had the he-lo with rescue personnel that were lowered down. We had San Bernardino hook and ladder, Fire truck, Urban searcher and rescue, Crest Forest fire truck, 2 ambulances, CHP, local police and a couple of Fire chief SUV's. Closed down 18 for about 2 hours, heck of a traffic jam.
They lifted Phil out via the he-lo in a litter and also the 2 EMT's that were lowered earlier and then off they went to Arrowhead hospital.
We heard from Greg(BIL) that Phil had a broken shoulder, a big gash in his leg and untold bruises and scrapes. Still don't know how he survived the fall, someone was looking out for him.
The rider that was right behind Phil said he went into the corner a little fast, ran wide and hit the guard rail which catapulted Phil over and down the cliff. Driver coming down 18 said he almost hit Phil's bike as it went across and into the bank on the opposite side of the road . Bike still ran and had only cosmetic damage, Triumph Rocket III's are stout.
Anyway be safe out there and if you are not familiar with the road take your time and just ride your own pace.
Rocket III where it came to rest--

Rocket III after we moved it with Cameron hamming it up, of course this was after we found out Phil was going to be OK.
Holy smokes!! 200 foot fall?! Amazing that he's alive :thumbup:
Wow! Here in the east trees are our biggest concern on the shoulders, not cliffs! Glad he's ok!

No pictures of the drop off?

Also, why did they have to completely stop traffic for hours? Couldn't the CHP have directed them to go around slowly at least until the helo was inbound? I mean that shoulder looks like it's 25 feet wide!
What kind of gear did the rider have to get that huge gash? He's lucky surviving after hitting the guardrail. They usually win most of the time. Acts like a galantine.

We had a similar crash this weekend just north of Boise. Two riders ended up missing a turn and both of their bikes ended up in the river. Their are no guard rails, which is good and bad. Fortunately they were not too far into the river, those rapids get pretty nasty if you get launched out any further. One rider had a broken neck.
CHP closed 18 due to the helo needing a safety LZ during the lowering and raising of personnel, actual LZ was up above on the next corner where he had to wait until the EMT's had Phil in a better location to stabilize him, took a while. Couldn't get a good shot of the drop off but I did take some from the other side of the canyon, will post up in a bit.
Phil had on a decent jacket with armor and a full face helmet but only jeans for pants, another good example to wear better leg protection.

Here are a couple of pics from the other side of the canyon, you can see the road sign in the middle of the pics, we think he might have hit that going over the guard rail. Not sure where he stopped but think it was that dirt patch about half way down.

Damn Jerry, that is a crazy story. Glad to hear that Phil is going to be OK all things considered. Shee-yat ...
Glad to hear that Phil will be o.k., he had an Angel on his shoulder for sure. He's very fortunate that he was on a group ride and not alone, who knows if he would have been found. :(