Mila Javovich Moto fail on a brand new BMW


Honestly, i don't think a BMW is that bad to learn on if you can afford to drop it!

Yes, it is big and heavy, but that engine is like a freaking tractor! It doesn't have any nervosity, no hidden power after a certain rpm, no hidden surprise whatsoever.

Compared to a 4 cylinder 600, which is what most of Europe learns on, it is a lot more straight forward to ride, at least that was my impression trying a GS.
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My wife has been learning on the FZ6R. She did her class 2 years ago but with school and few other personal issue she hasn't ride really until a month ago. We drove from the apartment to a nice industrial complex with plenty of parking lot to get comfy. My first and only recommendation was in case of panic... hold the clutch. Never let go the clutch. Then repeat about 10 times... she did good. Didn't drop it!
Mila just posted this on her FB page:

That's a 2014 R nineT.. 1170cc.. perfect to learn on :rolleyes:

I do know someone who would gladly volunteer to coach her :D :D

They should have put the cylinder head protectors or crash bars on it before they let her take it. Good idea on any boxer powered bike, even if you are experienced.
i wasn't sure who that was... Resident Evil hootie! Dang... I'll give her some practice lesson too. :drool::drool::drool:

Fifth Element!!!

Well,if I was a guy with few millions in my bank account I wouldn't preach about learning on a smaller bike either.

She can afford the costly beginner mistakes for sure.

Maybe she is learning to ride it for a new movie or something and she is on a tight deadline. She might have a stunt double but you can't use a stunt double for all of your shots. So maybe all she need to learn is how to put-put on it without falling down.
When I lived in my home country, motorcycle community there used to say: "If it doesn't have liter engine, it's not even worth to talk with you".

Right... That was strange place to ride bikes.

Where the heck was that? I thought only the US rode huge motorcycles, most of the world rides 100-600cc bikes.
You should. She ride with a tight leather suite and long stripper boots. Worth signing up just to see the jacket half open... humm. :rockon:

Nice!! jacket half open.....:drool:

Ps..if you read my post fully I mention that it plays just fine without having a facebook account..the devils work that book is!