Michelin Pilot Road 3 are here!!!!!!

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I just sent an email to my friend at Cycle Gear and linked him to this thread. I bet he'll pass this on to some others.

This is just unacceptable.....:eek:
Wow. Those tires are unquestionably defective. You have Michelin by the balls.

Pick one of the attorneys you spoke with and sue.

Broken hand and 3 cracked ribs ? You're gonna get paid. And you deserve it.

No wonder the lawyers were salivating. Michelin is going to settle with you.

Seriously, they should buy you a new bike, fix your wife's car, pay all your medical bills and give you at least $50,000 for your pain, suffering, and trouble. I got knocked off my bike once by a car and got $15,000 for some road rash. You're gonna get a lot more.

I wouldn't even bother trying to talk with them yourself. They're going to do everything they can to try and cover their ass. Even saying sorry to you would be an admission of guilt, so they won't. Just hire one of the attorneys to handle it.
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Generally people only sue, or entertain the idea of suing, when they feel they've been faulted by another party. That may not be the case but it's a logical conclusion when you mention you're pursuing (potentially?) legal recourse.

Are you saying that if Michelin responds satisfactorily to your inquiry, whatever direction that may go, of an investigation you're not going to sue them for damages?

Ignore this guy. Considering his join date, and his terminology and demeanor, he clearly has an agenda. I'd suspect him as an arbitrator, or someone with close ties to the manufacturer who is trying to get you to agree to something in a public forum, and use it against you later.

You have a solid case, and you should only use this forum as a way to document the ensuing process.

If I had to guess, I'd say this batch of tires wasn't cured correctly, and the compounds didn't harden correctly. That's the guess of an ill educated lay person, but your description seems to imply something of this nature.

I have a C14, and this tire is talked about ALOT on zggtr.org, which is how I got this link, from my forum.

So Michelin, stop d1ck1ng this guy around. Alot of us are watching what you do here.
For the love of Pete, STOP TALKING ABOUT YOUR CASE!!!!!!

Seriously, clam up, and if you don't hear from them very, very soon, hire a lawyer and get the ball rolling.
You bet your a$$ that one or two of their lawyers, and at least one engineer, are handling this right now and trying to figure out what the problem is.
They may try to be jerks about it, or they may try to throw a bunch of money at you just to make the problem go away.
No matter what your intent is at this point, talking about the issue publicly can lead to mega hassles later, or sour their potentially "generous" mood.

So pretty please, zip it!

And seriously, good luck with this whole ordeal. I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt!!!!
(And yes, I signed onto this forum JUST to say what I just said.)

Completely agree.

Don't comment on here anymore, and don't talk to anyone except your lawyer, which you should get today regardless of what they may offer.

They may offer you money directly to keep you quiet and not bad mouth the company.

if they see you're already doing that they may decide to just let it go to court. And then, no matter how positive of fault you are, you can't be CERTAIN you would win.

For example, it's hard to get any digital images submitted to court when taken by one of the parties, especially proving when they were taken. So tough to show the wear was before the incident (on this set)

As for the crash, they could argue you must have been riding too close to the vehicle in front (otherwise when the tires blew and you decelerated how did you hit the car) and the tyres were damaged in the crash.

Not saying any of that would stand up, but please don't make any more comments about your intentions on here.
Agree with what the others here have posted... Shut the f**k up and call your lawyer.

Without a satisfactory response from Michelin here my next tire will be a BT023 and NOT a PR3 like I originally planned...
This is sad, I was just about to purchase a set of PR3's but will have to wait til some light is shed on this situation. If it takes to long for Michelin to respond I might have to go with another brand...

I'm sorry this happened to you but thank you for making us aware, and lawyer up!
Just saw this link over on Rider Forums. Thanks for the pics and info, these tires were the #1 choice I was looking at replacing my Sport Demons with this fall, as I primarily commute with occasional spirited riding. This may be just a manufacturing error, which can happen to any company, but I am highly interested in seeing if it is a flaw in the design, and also just how Michelin responds to this.

Jason, if you have spoken to lawyers and none have told you to stop posting, none of them are worth a dime. Go with the one who seems to know what he's doing and told you to shutup. Michelins lawyers will get all records of your posts, anywhere on the internet, as well as possibly texts, phone records, anything they deem relevant.

Good luck man, I hope Michelin does the right thing and fixes you and your bike. Alot of these companies need to realize how many of their customers will be affected by these types of things, and realize that the internet is FOREVER. I have pulled posts on like occurrences from years back, and it has affected my purchase decisions. Stiff like this goes viral, is seen by thousands of customers, if often cached on other sites, and will be seen by thousands of future customers over the next few years. If a company wants to survive in this new environment, the only option is to make it right for you, and let all of us know that.

EDT: BTW im on a Ninja 650r looking to do 7k-10k miles a year commuting and touring.
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Sorry guys, not ignoring what you all are saying, just having to be very careful about posts now...

Took you guys advice and contacted a lawyer.

I will however post the date code from the tires as soon as I head over to the bike and take a picture of it.
Off topic but do you have a larger image of your dual airbags check sig photo you could post up lol?

Good luck with your tire case :)

Sorry guys, not ignoring what you all are saying, just having to be very careful about posts now...

Took you guys advice and contacted a lawyer.

I will however post the date code from the tires as soon as I head over to the bike and take a picture of it.
Ignore this guy. Considering his join date, and his terminology and demeanor, he clearly has an agenda. I'd suspect him as an arbitrator, or someone with close ties to the manufacturer who is trying to get you to agree to something in a public forum, and use it against you later.

You have a solid case, and you should only use this forum as a way to document the ensuing process.

If I had to guess, I'd say this batch of tires wasn't cured correctly, and the compounds didn't harden correctly. That's the guess of an ill educated lay person, but your description seems to imply something of this nature.

I have a C14, and this tire is talked about ALOT on zggtr.org, which is how I got this link, from my forum.

So Michelin, stop d1ck1ng this guy around. Alot of us are watching what you do here.
I had the same thoughts about that guy when I first read this a couple days ago. Sounds very fishy.

I, like some others, registered here just to post in this thread.

All I have to say is: Keep quiet, and I'm glad it wasn't worse then it already was.

This thread is going everywhere, and, like everything, is seen and heard about much more then you can visibly see. I heard about it on Maximum-Suzuki, and I've since let somebody know who had a set and hadn't mounted them yet, as well as another person who was a potential buyer after his PR2s. I have the PR2's, and was considering the PR3's next time. Now I'm going to hold off until this issue is resolved, as I'm sure many, many, people are doing. Michelin better do something, fast. IMO it doesn't look good at all to ignore a costumer and not say anything after news about a new tire model that failed goes viral and attracts the attention of thousands of current and potential costumers.

Oh, and while you should keep quite for now, be sure to let everyone know what all happens after the issue is resolved!

Get better soon, and good luck!
Hey guys, are these the date codes? I couldn't find anything that even looked like a date on the tires:




Another new register here coming from another forum.

I just wanted to share something that someone else posted.

I have had similar problems several times over the years with Michelin tires for cars, trucks, and RV's - The Michelin X car tires (remember those?) were famous for doing that and I've had THREE Michelin RV tires do that over the years. The problem apparently came from age and heat. The glue or whatever it is that holds the tread area to the belts would let go and the tires would first develop bulges, then leave the tread flapping loos and then finally they would blow. Had this happen on an RV w/ a 1200 Gold WIng in the back on my way to Sturgis in '95 - before the tire actually blew, the tread ripped out a propane line so this got REALLY interesting!

Google-ing "michelin tires tread separation" yields some interesting results, including this -

Michelin Tire Tread Separation Lawsuit Results in $12M Verdict - AboutLawsuits.com

I'd also like to vote for Fizzled likely being a dirty rotten liar and working for Michelin in some way. Damn near no one speaks like that casually and I'm a guy who can go into "full blown professional" mode in an instant.

Good luck, sir.
From other forums: BS!

This guy's post has made it onto three other forums that I know.
I too joined, not for the blind support you all are giving him, but because this guy's story smelled funny from the very beginning and it continues to dig a deeper hole.

I don't know where all of you people on this forum are coming from - do you all have your heads in the sand? Are you blindly believing everything because you all share the same bike? You seem to believe his story on face value without noticing all the holes - and some of them are HUGE.

While nobody doubts that SOMETHING happened to his rear tire (and please note: we are only acknowledging his rear tire for reasons that will become obvious) and nobody doubts he got into an accident (to which we collectively never want to wish on a fellow rider), but the details to his story just don't add up. We accept that his accident did happen and his rear tire obviously blistered, but his story is trying to lead us away from the truth.

Here are some of the comments from the doubters (and a lot of them are racers, techies, engineers and other "experts"):

"...the odometer photo is the regular odometer, NOT the trip meter. Therefore, the 2006 bike has 10,000 miles, not the tires."

"Insane!!! I dont believe a word of his story... There is no way that tire has 10000 miles on it IMO."

"Plus he claims to put on "no less than 110 miles EVERY SINGLE DAY". Even if you do not count any of January or June that is over 13000 miles. He states I expected them to hold up to their advertised claims. Nothing more. Nothing less. I would like to see where Michelin advertised the PR3 will last over 13000 miles."

"That tire (in the pic of the rear tire) is blistered... from excessive heat and from nothing else.... it was SEVERELY underinflated and potentially overloaded"

"probable he was running stupid low pressure in the rear and riding on one wheel. but I dont know 100% if thats the case. entirely speculation"

"(could be from) slow leaks they had from a bad stem or the valve itself"

"I call bull****"

"700.00 dollars on a set of bike tires?"

"if his rear did that, why didnt he just have BOTH tires swapped at once? for peace of mind?"

"...Rider's bio says this is his first bike and he is in law enforcement. Law enforcement?… and he admits to driving at excessive speeds (130+mph in a Mustang)?"

"...(he's not in law enforcement) he's a graphic designer with no background at all in law enforcement."

"...(he claims you can see my head in the back of the SUV) Why is he still lying in the back of the car after all this time, while a law enforcement officer is just standing there? That would never happen."

"That helmet is just lying there in the back of the SUV"

"Where are the other photos from the accident... of the front tire?"

"His fiance watched the tire fall to shreds in the rear view mirror as I plowed into her rear end. Really? She watched all that happen?"

"a likely probable cause of going a little too damn fast and slamming the brakes on trying to not hit his fiance/gf/wife/whatever's car."

"the entire story is a farce."

"i'm +1 on air pressure... he mentions the pressure several times, and fact, TOO many times IMHO... me thinks thou dost protest too loudly"

"(referring to the recently posted closeup of the sidewall of the front tire) No photo of the front tire tread at all. Regardless... INTERESTING... I don't see a shredded tire at all."

"(referring to the recently posted closeup of the sidewall of the front tire) I see a perfectly fine tire"

"This is arousing my keenly developed nose for BS."

"...if you believe any of this story, which is a big 'if'."

And there are other less complimentary comments as well as very compelling questions about all of this. We would like to read your rebuttal to those of us who doubt the voracity to your story Amorousnerdium. And don't just tell us to go to hell. Quaere verum!!
you guys did notice that his helmet didnt look like it had a scratch on it :Flip:

also, its pretty hard to see any damage done to the auto, the lines of the top of the bumper seem to remain relatively straight. At best that was a lowside (observing the scrape marks) and I find it hard he could have lowsided then projected himself perfectly through the rear windshield of that vehicle.

if I put my conspiracy hat on I say he parked his bike right behind his gf's car, checked for whitnesses and then tipped it over and had her back up over it and then drag it a few feet, after having bashed in the rear windshield at home.

Update: BAD...

As of today, I emailed Michelin a third time. If I do not hear back from them today, I am going to a lawyer, TODAY.
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