match for factory red paint?


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Jul 18, 2007
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Hi all ... just finishing fabricating a small fairing for my '06 last night, and am wondering if anyone's found a spray paint that's a close approximation of the stock ruby red. Thanks in advance!

Also looking for a set of stock front turnsignals, if anyone has some they'd like to sell ...

[email protected]

post them.

You should be able to get this at any hardware store. Depending on what year it is, the designation for red is Candy Red, not Ruby.

Just make sure that the paint is intended for plastics and not metal, as otherwise it will not stick.
Not sure if you have a lot of choices of hardware stores around you, but you could have a hardware store make it for you. There are a bunch of hardware stores in the houston area that can match up a color if you bring them a piece of it and they will even put it in a spray can for you. It costs about $8.50 per can though, a little expensive but worth it to get the exact color.

Hmmm .. .hadn't heard of that service, I'll check around. I picked up a couple varieties of red at lunchtime just to get me thru, we'll see if they end up being close, or just a temporary measure until I can find a better match.


Oh, and to the lister who mentioned they had front signals for sale .. how much, and are they complete?


In the UK the paint suppliers to the body shops will match & supply any colour paint using the RAL number system. The less sophisticated ones use colour swatches to determine the shade, the alternative is an optical spectrometer which gives a digital reading. They usually have a minimum order of 5 litres though (about a gallon) - you'll still be painting things Candy Red when you retire :O)

Last time I bought some, it cost me 40 quid ($80) for the paint. And a whole lot more to clean up the gallon of etch primer that tipped over & burst open in the back of my car :O(

Like the idea of getting matched paint in an aerosol.
they are complete if you have the posts left in your front fairing...i don't, and this is why they aren't on the bike. Honestly, they are only help on by two screws and some very weak plastic.

I should mention that the back of the left is a little scratched.
outstanding ...

Been hearing the Color-Rite name for years, but never ordered from them; I just placed an order for primer, the color coats, and some clear. Looking forward to trying it, thanks for the reminder, wrightme.

Everything came to around $100. That's not bad if it'll get me an exact match - and as it turns out, I got some OEM parts delivered yesterday, and the red sidepanels I thought I ordered arrived in a dark shade of blue. Might as well spray those too.

Pedwards, sorry to hear of your painted carpet. I used to have a spray gun, and many years back I painted the bodywork on a GS1000 a bright, brilliant red to match the powdercoated frame. Didn't latch the cup on correctly, and I watched in horror as a full cup of (expensive) red paint detached from the gun and fell onto the middle of the patio in our back yard, creating a large, ugly, and very very bright stain on the concrete. You know how many coats of gray concrete paint it takes to cover up a bright red stain? Six. Six coats.

I sold the gun a while after that, after learning that I could get better results with a good quality of spray paint and careful prep work.
Six coats huh? 5 just wasnt enough. LOL I can imagine the look as that paint was falling. Good paint is expensive.
Been hearing the Color-Rite name for years, but never ordered from them; I just placed an order for primer, the color coats, and some clear. Looking forward to trying it, thanks for the reminder, wrightme.

Everything came to around $100. That's not bad if it'll get me an exact match - and as it turns out, I got some OEM parts delivered yesterday, and the red sidepanels I thought I ordered arrived in a dark shade of blue. Might as well spray those too.

Pedwards, sorry to hear of your painted carpet. I used to have a spray gun, and many years back I painted the bodywork on a GS1000 a bright, brilliant red to match the powdercoated frame. Didn't latch the cup on correctly, and I watched in horror as a full cup of (expensive) red paint detached from the gun and fell onto the middle of the patio in our back yard, creating a large, ugly, and very very bright stain on the concrete. You know how many coats of gray concrete paint it takes to cover up a bright red stain? Six. Six coats.

I sold the gun a while after that, after learning that I could get better results with a good quality of spray paint and careful prep work.

Done that too! fortunately it was water based paint & hosed off. I don't thinkI should be allowed anywhere near opens tins of paint :O)
results ...

Color-Rite is my new favorite vendor ... the fairing looks great:

I'm contemplating now whether to color-match just the sidepanels in the same red, or maybe do the front fender as well, to really integrate things visually.

I love this bike ... sad to say, it's for sale. Salvage title, UNDER 100 ORIGINAL MILES on it, $3750 cash. Bluebook is about $2000 higher. Needs to go, I found a street/trackbike that needs an influx of cash.

Drop me a line directly if anyone's interested, I'm in Milwaukee WI!

[email protected]
I will have to say i have never seen anything quite like that front fairing. The color seemed to come out perfect too. Great job on making it custom and I'm sorry to hear that you are selling it. I hope this isnt the end of the line for you as far as FZ6's are concerned? :(

I hope so too. Hope not too. Whatever - my English ain't so good today :)

We've got some bills to pay here, and I'm trying to keep a limit on how much I've got tied up in toys. I'm absolutely confident I'll have another FZ6 at some point, and I'm going to enjoy the heck out of it until it does sell. See you on the road!
That turned out nice. If you have enough paint left it would look nice to do the handles, side pods, and front wheel cover.
It should sell quickly at that price.