Maryland Riders - enjoy while you can...

As a Marylander, I hope they really crack down on this. It's ridiculous and very dangerous to everyone else of the road...not to mention, it gives the rest of us a bad name and makes us a target for law enforcement officers.
I agree that people should not be "racing" on the streets. Doing 120+ in traffic is just not smart. However, it is obvious to me that the author does not ride, and might even be bias against motorcyclists with inflammatory statements like "chain-saw-buzz." And as to the state trooper who crashed as a result of "possibly" running down a "silvery blur," (incident still under investigation....) it sounds to me like HE made a poor choice to start a chase(hitting a PARKED semi trailer....really?). If the risks of chasing down a suspect are too great, they are supposed to discontinue the pursuit. Ok. Rant complete.... I just dislike media spin....