March 29 & 30 - Central CA


Custom Abuser
Jun 12, 2007
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Huntington Beach
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Some of us from SBN are planning a central coast meet...looks like some from Nor Cal and some from So Cal will be heading out...everyones welcome. PM or reply for details.
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well, it doesn't have to be PM's. It's probably going to be around the Paso Robles area. some folks are coming from the Bay, some from the South. I think I got a chick to come from an OC board I belong to.
You're welcome to come up my way and play on 49 and the surrounding hills. I have a pretty good route with few outlets. Though it is a bit out of the way.:D
I was there Wed-Saturday. I'll probably be back around May 5 for my nephews birthday party. My dad was pretty sick last year and my moms very sick right now, so I go visit them in Fresno often.
The 49! I used to make that my scenic route to Tahoe when I lived in Fresno. :Sport: From Modesto though...I'll definitely check it out next time I'm in the valley :Lurking:
Meet time for Satuday is 10-11:00 am, and since folks will be coming from a distance, that'll start the break/lunch time. at noon, we'll start hitting the twists and/or whatever PSB has in store.

I plan to stay overnight and ride both days. If you want to do it for only one day (which is understandable), that's cool too. I'll give out my # in case you need help finding any place/anybody.

The Sunday ride I'd like to get started 8am (I remember PSB isn't exactly an early bird on the weekends) but if enough people want to come on Sunday only, we can do the same 10/noon deal Sunday also.

Last two times I met up with everyone, it's been very friendly and BS, no drama, just riding and enjoying life. Hope to see some more folks grab life by the tires and enjoy life

PRELIMINARY meeting spot...Whales Tail in Morro Bay...its the only place I can remember from my Central Cal lurking days. I'm probably going to change that...stay tuned for more.