Maiden flight F-27

I think it's time to do a mod. It says on the box that it, "flies at speeds in excess of 80mph".......but I don't think so. If he does the mod will be "120 mph"......that would be FAST.
Oh yeah......I tried to fly the Super Cub, but that went horribly wrong. As I take off, the motor starts cutting out, it turns out the ACT ("anti crash" technology.....which actually helps you crash IMO)was on, so Danny turns it off, I fly it up right into the sun (naturally I can't see a damn thing), full throttle, then BAM, nose first right into the ground. I have to buy some parts :eek:
Sounds like an FZ6.

Imagine how sick I would be if you had a camera strapped to that thing.

They fly these just down the road from me, out in the country.

In the summer I ride down with my thermos and watch for hours..maybe Im a bit strange as well.

Soon enough you two will be flying one of these babies:
[ame=""]YouTube - Flying the Super Sky Cycle[/ame]