lytehouse is gonna get dirty


The Toy Lady
Elite Member
Nov 13, 2007
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Not the way you might be thinking though :rolleyes: I just bought an XT 225 to do a little riding off the beaten path.
John & I have been toying with the idea for a little while now about getting some dual sport bikes. And we found this little '07 XT225 that's not too badly beaten up. It has it's share of scratches but we think mechanically it's in good shape. It has 640 miles on, so how bad can it be, right? Gonna change the oil first off and the chain needs some TLC.
And I know, I know......I'll get some pictures up in the morning :)
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Mrs. Lefty loves that bike ever since she saw it a the Motorcycle show.
You'll have a blast on it...:rockon:
Awesome!! Definitely looking forward to some cool pics. I have been toying with that idea as well, because sometimes you need a change of scenery.
That's gonna be an awesome bike to wander around! so many cool dirt roads/trails around you, I'm jealous! Enjoy!
Hey Brenda,

I have the same bike, but mine's a 2000. I paid $1400 for it. I rode it to work today. It's my primary bad weather bike here in Idaho. I'm planning to get my tires studded for the winter.
Very nice!
More bikes in the stable....
So when are you doing Black Bear Pass in CO ?

Hey Brenda,

I have the same bike, but mine's a 2000. I paid $1400 for it. I rode it to work today. It's my primary bad weather bike here in Idaho. I'm planning to get my tires studded for the winter.

I'd like to learn more about your setup. I'd like to commute when there's snow/slush on the roads. I'm thinking it won't be worth the risk....but the parking would be great!
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Took it round the block a few times tonight....well, it's definetly gonna take some getting used to. I'm so used to the FZ1. This is a whole new way of riding for me.
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Excellent bike choice! I, too, have one, but mine is a 94, and it was beaten senseless before I took ownership. They are tough bikes, though, so it still works. Yours looks immaculate!

I would love to have an XT in Colorado - so many nice trails. Here in Iowa, only a few. I spend a lot of time on gravel roads. Some time on the highway. And yes, believe it or not, I can do 60 MPH with my 6'3", 200lb frame on the XT!!

Great purchase!