Lunch at Red Lobster. Yesterdays ride too.



Ok I met this very nice, tiny, redheaded girl. She is sweet, employed, has her own place to live, no children. She weighs about 110 lbs, and has tiny little feet. Also she absolutely loves to ride the bike. As in I am ready to go home, and she wants to go ride more. :rockon:

Today, she says lets go to Red Lobster. My treat. I was pretty dumbfounded but hey if a lady wants to buy me dinner who am I to complain.
We go and pick up Trinity from her moms, and go.
She I swear this is no joke. She ate, 2 chedder bisquits, a whole salad (not a piece of lettuce left), 2 shrimp scampi, and FOUR my God man 4 freaking lobster tails. I have never seen anything like it in my life. It was like the coneheads consume mass quanities sketch. I split 1.5 lb of snow crab with Trinity. That means mainly I sit and open crablegs and Trinity eats them. She is like a botomless pit for them things. Shelly ate all her food in half the time it took me. I was seriously impressed. She said thats what I always eat when I come here.
So anyway now I have three motorcycles, and two girls that eat massive amounts of seafood.

We rode 150 miles yesteday. Had a blast. If your from Ky we went to Gamaelia, Tompkinsville, and Glasgow. Tompkinsville is a special place. They put it in the paper when they are going to start killing each other. I have a friend who I saw while I was there who told me a long time ago about voting 53 times in the same election. Its a special place that really needs to be seen to be appreciated. Great twisties. Downside, brake lamps, headlamps, turn signals, bumpers, licsenses, insurance, and sobriety are pretty much optional on the highways. Daylight its pretty much ok. Nighttime, I wouldnt go there with my truck, and a few armed friends. Its another place where meth and oxycotin have destroyed what alcohol, and, lack of education havent. Alot of the people there are very prejuduce toward black people. My friend isnt, but I was sitting in a store and a black lady stopped driving thru to get gas. It seemed like the whole store stopped, and one guy said she must be lost. My friend said no just stopping to get gas. He was raised there but moved away. It really makes me sad to see that. I grew up in a different time I guess. They were all a whole lot older than me. I have another friend who is in his late 60s. He grew up here, when he wasnt allowed to go in certian places, and had to eat, and drink separately. I cant imagine what that felt like.

Anyway enough of my crazy rambling rant about my weekend. I hope someone gets some enjoyment out of it. Or at least you can laugh at some of us backwoods KY folk. LOL

From Tompkinsville to Glasgow is a nice ride. Glasgow is a very nice city. Hell they even have a cycle shop. Mikes cycle world II. Glasgow to Bowling Green is a nice ride, anyone of the many ways you go.
jeez, interesting place. look at the bright side at least you didn't hear "dueling banjos":p
I was more amazed at the 4 lobster tails than anything else. I am used to southern ky. It just depends on where you go. Some places are tip top, some arent. It kinda depends on how much money, the amount of corruption in the local government, and law enforcement, and the amount of doctors that will write scrips for oxycotin, and the amount of meth.

Most of the counties are dry. But they all have bootleggers.