Loud pipes ain't enough...


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May 5, 2012
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So I am sure as everybody has heard the cliche argument that loud pipes make us safer.

I somewhat disagree.

Don't get me wrong, loud pipes are cool and they might have the psychological assurance for us riders that we are being heard a mile a way so to speak.

In my experience usually I hear bikes only as they are just passing my rear passenger window. While we, as riders might think that if they hear me they will notice me.

I disagree, putting loud pipes isn't enough folks. Few days ago, I was sitting in traffic and just minding my own business after getting out of the office, suddenly a fellow biker scares the bejeeezus out of me. I didn't hear him until he passed the rear door of my car. He really startled me, I almost lost my cool and wanted to veer out of my lane. for a second there I thought that some big ass truck was crashing into the cars sitting behind me.

I wish more people would start putting headlight modulators or at least ride on high beams as they decide to split lanes. ALSO HIGH VIZ clothing. I really can't see some bikers out there. they dress like ninjas and it's hard to see them in the usual blend of gray and black cars here in the city.

Another thing is while us, car drivers, usually sit in a tip toe mile long traffic, we stop paying that much attention. Usually radio is on and we slowly inch forward with the traffic jam. I personally feel that high viz clothing and maybe headlight modulator will catch unfocused drivers sitting in a stand still traffic a little more than just zooming by with loud pipes which aren't really heard until the moment you begin to pass my car.

That being said, I am going to get myself a headlight modulator and wear a hi-viz vest when wearing my leathers. In the summer I wear a high viz jacket and the difference from the behavior of drivers is noticeable outright.

Anyway just some food for thought.
Most drivers aren't even aware that headlight modulators are even legal. I had my bike equipped with one and ended up taking them off, no particular reason, I just did. Yes, I had the option of not riding with them modulating by keeping my low beams on.

I liked them, 2/3 of of the drivers think you're an emergency vehicle, and will yield to you when you're in the fast lane. Some have even pulled over on the left shoulder of the freeway. LOL....

The other 1/3 will roll down their window yelling out saying that your headlights are blinking. Vehicles approaching from the opposite direction would start blinking their high beams on and off thinking that there is something wrong with your headlight. Again, LOL....

As far loud pipes, I do not rely on it, but use it to my advantage. Parking lots are great, I don't know how many times I see people begin to back up and I just rev my throttle and I see their brake lights immediately come on and stop abruptly. Yes, the horn would essentially do the same thing. The pipes are pretty effective whenever you're alongside's somebody's blind spot, but like you mentioned, it really doesn't do any good if they fly on by.
I took the db killers out of my LV's and I still had some old lady pull up RIGHT NEXT to me in a one lane left turn lane:eek:
definitely agree with the radio thing. as a 20sumthin' i have tons of friends with "systems" in their cars and we like music loud. not stoopid loud where the people going the other way down the street can tell what song you're listening to, but loud enough. my one buddy has enough s*** to drown out a freight train going over him (literally, with the windows down you can feel the train going over, but you cant hear it). i think a better investment is a really stoopid-loud horn. mainly because i think loud pipes are obnoxious. the horn is only loud when you want to use it and is usually loud enough that you dont want to use it unless necessary. also the sound of a horn is very unique and grabs the attention of drivers (especially the ones that sound like a fire engine).
Most drivers aren't even aware that headlight modulators are even legal. I had my bike equipped with one and ended up taking them off, no particular reason, I just did. Yes, I had the option of not riding with them modulating by keeping my low beams on.

I liked them, 2/3 of of the drivers think you're an emergency vehicle, and will yield to you when you're in the fast lane. Some have even pulled over on the left shoulder of the freeway. LOL....

The other 1/3 will roll down their window yelling out saying that your headlights are blinking. Vehicles approaching from the opposite direction would start blinking their high beams on and off thinking that there is something wrong with your headlight. Again, LOL....

As far loud pipes, I do not rely on it, but use it to my advantage. Parking lots are great, I don't know how many times I see people begin to back up and I just rev my throttle and I see their brake lights immediately come on and stop abruptly. Yes, the horn would essentially do the same thing. The pipes are pretty effective whenever you're alongside's somebody's blind spot, but like you mentioned, it really doesn't do any good if they fly on by.

I had a full dressed black cruiser. the windshield and extra light in the front the whole nine yards. I got the same reaction from drivers as well. they thought I was a NYPD motor cop. lol

In my experience here in NYC people are somewhat informed about the headlight modulators. But even so, it's a legal modification so as long as I am going to get extra attention from car drivers I feel safer.

Another thing is, card drivers are conditioned to watch out for horn sound. Revving might not have as such an immediate effect as using the horn.

You still got your modulator?
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Think hi-vis equipment and using the horn are the best bet. My Versys has the little lever on the back of the light switch to flash your brights if your passing, which I use now and again if I think the person is unaware I'm about to pass.

My Vance and Hines, as nice as it is, isn't any good unless I'm directly beside a car or in front, zero effectiveness if the car is in front.

Another thing is if you ride like a robot, people seem less likely to notice you. A little back and fourth wiggle seems to help a bit too.
definitely agree with the radio thing. as a 20sumthin' i have tons of friends with "systems" in their cars and we like music loud. not stoopid loud where the people going the other way down the street can tell what song you're listening to, but loud enough. my one buddy has enough s*** to drown out a freight train going over him (literally, with the windows down you can feel the train going over, but you cant hear it). i think a better investment is a really stoopid-loud horn. mainly because i think loud pipes are obnoxious. the horn is only loud when you want to use it and is usually loud enough that you dont want to use it unless necessary. also the sound of a horn is very unique and grabs the attention of drivers (especially the ones that sound like a fire engine).

Yeah but these people are outliers. Most people don't have 15 speakers installed in their car cabin.

Today's cars are more sound proof. All you really need is a moderate volume level and the fact that the driver might pay less attention by listening ot the song etc.

I just feel that in my experience people tend to notice me faster with high viz gear. Loud pipes are more of a novelty item than a practical mod.

I tend to rev my bike high when splitting lanes on a bridge a little bit of echo goes around and it helps.
Think hi-vis equipment and using the horn are the best bet. My Versys has the little lever on the back of the light switch to flash your brights if your passing, which I use now and again if I think the person is unaware I'm about to pass.

My Vance and Hines, as nice as it is, isn't any good unless I'm directly beside a car or in front, zero effectiveness if the car is in front.

Another thing is if you ride like a robot, people seem less likely to notice you. A little back and fourth wiggle seems to help a bit too.

Ditto on the wiggle - I'll use all 10+ feet of my lane EVEN if it makes me look like a nut case or a squid! It gets their attention and they notice.

Like on the Freeway when crawling at a snails pace and people are texting and all that sh!t. What ever it takes to get that drivers attention!
IMO, anything you can do (riding style, accessories), to be more visable/known your out there is a plus...

This includes louder pipes, air horn, high beam on during the day, high vis jacket, additional lighting, especially on the rear (Hyper lights, LED running/flashing brake lights) as well as the "wiggle" (really smart idea which I'm going to use for the rare occassions I'm in heavy traffic). I'm not real keen on the modulating headlight. Yes, it certainly makes you more visable BUT, you don't know what the driver is going to do if he believes your an emergency vehicle (a bit of a wild card).

You also have to ride with the "mind set" that all nearby cars don't know your there and be prepared to respond accordingly (defensive driving taken to a higher level). I prefer, if possible, to get out ahead of any crowd/bunch of cars. Now, everyone behind you should know your there, there's that many more cars you don't have to focus as much on.

ALWAYS have a way out, (escape route) as much as possible, JUST IN CASE...
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IMO, anything you can do (riding style, accessories), to be more visable/known your out there is a plus...

This includes louder pipes, air horn, high beam on during the day, high vis jacket, additional lighting, especially on the rear (Hyper lights, LED running/flashing brake lights) as well as the "wiggle" (really smart idea which I'm going to use for the rare occassions I'm in heavy traffic). I'm not real keen on the modulating headlight. Yes, it certainly makes you more visable BUT, you don't know what the driver is going to do if he believes your an emergency vehicle (a bit of a wild card).

You also have to ride with the "mind set" that all nearby cars don't know your there and be prepared to respond accordingly (defensive driving taken to a higher level). I prefer, if possible, to get out ahead of any crowd/bunch of cars. Now, everyone behind you shopuld know your there, there's that many more cars you don't have to focus as much on.

ALWAYS have a way out, (escape route) as much as possible, JUST IN CASE...

Very well said and sums up exactly what I was going to post.
Stack the odds in your favor as much as you can (visibility, noise.. though don't be an a-hole .. "too loud" may make people notice you, but they may also hate you for it and someone might act on that hate).
BUT continue to ride as if you're completely invisible.
"too loud" may make people notice you, but they may also hate you for it and someone might act on that hate).

This... Loud pipes attract all sorts of cagers that take your loud pipes as you wanting to race or for an invitation to get up your arse. Or of course the classic "look at this loud obnoxious a-hole, ill get right up on his rear wheel"

Another one I missed is leaving yourself a way out, as posted. Every time I come up to a stop I figure out my way out and watch the car approaching from behind to see how fast they are closing. I burned it into my head so much it luckily comes second nature now and has saved my butt a couple times already!
This... Loud pipes attract all sorts of cagers that take your loud pipes as you wanting to race or for an invitation to get up your arse. Or of course the classic "look at this loud obnoxious a-hole, ill get right up on his rear wheel"

Another one I missed is leaving yourself a way out, as posted. Every time I come up to a stop I figure out my way out and watch the car approaching from behind to see how fast they are closing. I burned it into my head so much it luckily comes second nature now and has saved my butt a couple times already!

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. Loud pipes are fine, but without the visual attention grabbing things such as high viz clothes, high beams/ headlight modulator etc, a cager will not notice you until you are literally passing him and more importantly he might get startled by the loud noise from the pipes and make a unpredictable move endangering you and other traffic participants.

Loud pipes on their own are a double edged sword. You hope that you get noticed and keep things in control by making yourself "visible/noticeable" but you don't know how it may affect the driver of the car.
Every time I come up to a stop I figure out my way out and watch the car approaching from behind to see how fast they are closing. I burned it into my head so much it luckily comes second nature now and has saved my butt a couple times already!


If you don't do this already, you are placing yourself as a rider at risk! Every rider should be doing this when they come to a stop, as well as looking left and right going through every intersection, even if you have the right of way. Just because it's green doesn't mean it's clear.

Also lane positioning is critical. Place yourself where you're more visible to others and try not to hide in the shadows of other vehcile.

If you travel at night, make sure you have reflective gear! Including your bike.

One of the most underated mods you can do is getting a set of Hyper Lights to accompony your stock brake light. Modulating LED brake lights that pulsates for five seconds then goes to a solid red. They really attract attention whenever you apply your brakes.

If you don't do this already, you are placing yourself as a rider at risk! Every rider should be doing this when they come to a stop, as well as looking left and right going through every intersection, even if you have the right of way. Just because it's green doesn't mean it's clear.

Also lane positioning is critical. Place yourself where you're more visible to others and try not to hide in the shadows of other vehcile.

If you travel at night, make sure you have reflective gear! Including your bike.

One of the most underated mods you can do is getting a set of Hyper Lights to accompony your stock brake light. Modulating LED brake lights that pulsates for five seconds then goes to a solid red. They really attract attention whenever you apply your brakes.

+1 on the above.

I moved my rear reflector up just a tad (with marine grade silicone), made an aluminum bracket that bolts using the two license plate bolts with an approx 90 degree bend to place my "Hyperlight running/flashing brake light" on (just above the tag). That Hyper Light, just in regular mode, is easily 3 times brighter than the stock bulb (and its LED). Even during the day, the bike is much more visable from behind.

You have to remember, the FZ has ONE TAIL LIGHT BULB. Should it burn out, your bike is invisable at night (short of that ONE reflector).
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+1 on the above.

I moved my rear reflector up just a tad (with marine grade silicone), made an aluminum bracket that bolts using the two license plate bolts with an approx 90 degree bend to place my "Hyperlight running/flashing brake light" on (just above the tag). That Hyper Light, just in regular mode, is easily 3 times brighter than the stock bulb (and its LED). Even during the day, the bike is much more visable from behind.

You have to remember, the FZ has ONE TAIL LIGHT BULB. Should it burn out, your bike is invisible at night (short of that ONE reflector).

Not to mention that if you have an LED integrated tail light it's barely visible in broad daylight.

Now on my list to do mods is:

headlight modulator
bd43- dual headlight mod