Looks like an obvious battery problem but just want to be sure...

What's "LAB"?

And I have to agree about the heat and life. There's no way I could get the life you have FI out of a battery like you have.

I do ride 365 and the battery has a good life W/O getting stuck in traffic, commutes, fan NEVER comes on, etc.
And that's with a Genuine Yuasa OEM style battery..

LAB - Lead Acid Battery
Original and replacement were/are Yuasa...

8.5 and never on a charger and she hibernates for 3 to 4 mo a year in 32°F garage...
Commutes involve heat, fans, dual headlights. But once clear of the city she gets opened up before being parked. That said, most usage is for entertainment only!!! Or is that sanity?!!!
Or is that sanity?!!! Pleasure? Sure, nothing wrong with that!

Same here but no super cold and snow...

I think I'd rather buy a battery every 4 years than shovel snow and park the bike..

BUT, your countryside / roads ARE gorgeous!
Unless your battery is acting up, I'd keep it, no reason to pitch it...

When my dash lights would dim when cranking, that's the first sign of the battery failing.
With the FZ, I got another year out of it easily and even then it was still starting fine.

My luck, I'd drop the bike push starting it and cause another $500 in damage, thus I don't hesitate
replacing the battery if needed...

I remebered you mentioning the dash lights going out when the battery is on its last legs. Last night I had just done 10 ks and stopped at the market on the way home and the bike was parked in a dark spot so it was the first time I had noticed theytotally went to black. I have had to put the batt. on tender each week just to keep the crank speed up to scratch and over the last week end I put the tender into recovery mode to knock out the sulphides and it failed.

So lunch time today I thin I'll go buy a fresh battery
I videoed the meter as I cranked it over this morning just for anyones reference, from fresh charge- fuel pump prime,-cranking,- then bike running
this link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/4n4cwrtvdu6dv6b/battery crank.MOV?dl=0
Video won't play on my end.

+1 on your battery being toast (as long as it's charging-could see the video). With that ride, it should have been way up to charge.

My old battery, before replacement (not as bad as yours), but you can see the voltage drop while cranking. (The dash lights didn't dim either). (Battery was just charged)

Click on the link:


I just filled the tank, it will take until late in the week to get low enough to lift the tank and i know i have next Sunday afternoon free so it will wait til then for the battery change over In the mean time I'll just put it on the tender each night—I'm so glad i put in the wiring for that..... Excellent forethought on my part!!!!- gotta get somethings right he he

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A brand new battery should be put on a tender until it turns green BEFORE being PUT INTO USE (cranked, run, etc) for best performance and longest life.

A 1.25 amp charger usually takes close to 8 hours...
thanks Scott I will make sure I put it on b4 I load it into the bike, I want to get best possible life out of it- Won't take fore granted the guy behind the counter's word for it
Glad it was just a battery. Still on my original battery after 10 years, never been on a charger, just ride it year round. I'll keep an eye on the display when starting. Starts fine, but I suspect the battery won't last forever.