Long Way Round 2

Monica A

Junior Member
Feb 1, 2012
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Reno, NV
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We head out in 2 days and I can't wait!!!!

This is the route we plan to take (darn Google Maps won't let me do the entire route on one map, grrr....)



Just over 2800 miles in 8 days. My hubby let me plan the route. He never does that. I am nervous but I hope he is happy. He usually is a control freak about these things. He's giving up control...;) Proof a man can change lol

Included several suggestions from [MENTION=83]VEGASRIDER[/MENTION] but not all. I have to leave some roads for next time. Thanks for the route suggestions. :Flash

I'll give a ride report with pictures after the ride.
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Have fun, post pics! I wish my spouse was as interested...


I have always wanted to go to Coeur d'Alene... I love the spelling, even saying the name. Very jealous! And you got Banff in there too... Geez...
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links broken, you need a colon after the https

bad: https//goo...

good: https://goo...

Corrected here:


Have fun, post pics! I wish my spouse was as interested...


I have always wanted to go to Coeur d'Alene... I love the spelling, even saying the name. Very jealous! And you got Banff in there too... Geez...

I fixed it. That's how the site made it. Obviously something happened. Ugh!

Thanks everyone! Hopefully the ride goes better than inserting the links did.....
Don't forget to hit the Old Spiral Hwy right outside of Lewiston. And you will love the Rattlesnake Grade between Enterprise Or and Lewiston Id. You should check out the Hells Canyon View Pt. if time allows, it's just a 2-3 mile detour off Hwy 3 on the way up to Lewiston. You should see the sign. Have a safe trip! And be sure to post up when you're at the hotel each night. we want the play by play report.
This is the route we plan to take (darn Google Maps won't let me do the entire route on one map, grrr....)

Google has a web app called 'My Maps' and you can plot longer routes. Link: Sign in - Google Accounts

I've used it on all my rides. However, it won't actually give you those exact directions (which I don't think your method does either, correct?). I have google maps direct me by voice over my bluetooth headset. What have you and your husband used?

Good luck on your trip. I'm leaving for my 1800 mile trip next week Thursday.
Google has a web app called 'My Maps' and you can plot longer routes. Link: Sign in - Google Accounts

I've used it on all my rides. However, it won't actually give you those exact directions (which I don't think your method does either, correct?). I have google maps direct me by voice over my bluetooth headset. What have you and your husband used?

Good luck on your trip. I'm leaving for my 1800 mile trip next week Thursday.

Thanks! You have a great trip too!!

I printed out sections of the maps that I felt were important. I have a set of Butler Maps too I'm bringing along. My hubby is great at seeing a map and route being able to find his way. He does it when we rides dirt out into forest service roads. It amazing. I'd get lost for sure. I could Google Maps into my bluetooth as well if needed. We've done that before in tricky areas. This is fairly straight forward for the most part. The route I planned on the way to Coeur d'Alene is a bit tricky. Got a good map for that. Hubby has a map pocket on his murse (tank bag).

We're all packed, we just have to go to sleep and wake up in the morning. My son is all versed in taking care of the dogs. My black lab had knee surgery a week ago so he has extra duties with that. Poor guy. I left the fridge packed so he will be OK. He's 20 and very self-sufficient.

I'll try to post on the road, but not sure if i'll be able too.
My hubby and I made it back yesterday. Total of 2,941 miles. We just didn't have it in us to try to get the 3,000 mile mark even though a quick trip up Geiger Grade and back would have put us over. lol We were too exhausted. The last day we did 375 miles in 6 hours.

I'll do a complete ride report in a few days. I have too much housework, laundry,yard work, grocery shopping, and we have to do family dinner for my hubbies 50th birthday which occurred on the trip. His present didn't fit in my saddlebags so he has to wait until the dinner to get it. He's going to like it. Motorcycle related (if you could have guessed) I'll include a pic with the report.

My 20 year old son stayed with the animals at the house. All animals were still alive when we got home, but the pet hair.... ugh!! My 1 week post-op dog was good (knee surgery) and the puppy hadn't destroyed too much furniture. Cats didn't barf all over the place (which they usually do when I'm gone) I'd call it a win.

Over all it was a great trip. Working on ideas for next year..... The route changed a bit, but over all it stayed the same. Thanks again [MENTION=83]VEGASRIDER[/MENTION] for all the great roads suggestions. What amazing country we live in. Views were spectacular. Wait until you see pics I have. Great BOTM material....
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Pics or it didn't happen! Just kidding as I saw some photos posted on FB. It's been more than a few days though, how about that trip report?
Pics or it didn't happen! Just kidding as I saw some photos posted on FB. It's been more than a few days though, how about that trip report?

Yeah, I've been busy. Maybe tomorrow. Lots of family issues. I go back to work in 3 weeks, I got to get my socializing in while I can...(translation: lunch/shopping with friends) Didn't see you at PJ's last Wednesday....