Local FZ6 rider killed by drunk off-duty RCMP officer


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Apr 17, 2008
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Really makes me think about hopping on my bike next time.. I still do it though.

Be safe out there people...

Prayers to his family.

He will now claim he was driven to drink by the shock of the first incident in an attempt to get away with this death by dangerous driving rap.

I am an ex police officer and there is no excuse for getting on a bike or behind a wheel after consuming alcohol and I hope justice prevails.


As a current police officer, and FZ6 rider this crash hits home twice as hard.

May the rider rest in peace, and justice be served on the drunk driver. Prayers sent to both of their families.
...yeah. Uhh....it gets way worse than that.

A few months ago, there was a guy making a fuss at an airport in CANADA. This one cop accidently killed him with a TAZER. Guess what? Said "cop" is the same RCMP officer in this motorcycle accident.

The cop was driving drunk at the time with his two kids in the back seat. After the crash, he gathered them up and fled the scene of the accident, where a group of eyewitness accounts took place anyway. Pretty lame, huh?

I've already worked out the court details with scary Raid guy. He says this RCMP officer will get:

-5 years in jail with parole (due to significant devastation brought upon from mental distress while on duty)

-Honorable discharge (with pay) from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

-Charged by a crown prosecutor (whom will have some previous experience with the RCMP as well)

-Permanent suspension of his driver's license (that can be regained from rehabilitative driving education)

-...and a job offer from within the RCMP that's comprised of secretarial duty; after his honorable discharge and prison sentence.

-There's a high chance he could avoid a jail sentence altogether and receive total rehabilitation instead.

-The question is...will he get a criminal record? Not likely....
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Rest in Peace fella, thoughts to his family and friends.
May Justice be served to preserve the good name of the force.
