Local cops in Clarksville TN


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Nov 2, 2011
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clarksville, TN
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I learned today that the local cops here in clarksville, Tn hate bikers. I was pulled over after someone called in to the police and said that me and my buddy where racing down the street. No, we where not racing. We where both going the posted speed. Unfortunately, I forgot to put all my info in my pocket before leaving the house ie: drivers license, insurance, registration, etc. Now I have a court hearing, and have to bring all this crap !! Ugh, lesson learned ? 1. Cops around here are jerks towards bikes. 2. Dont leave the house without all your proper documents !!
C-ville city cops are horrible, but its not bikers they hate, its the bling-bling stunt krew Army guy riders that literally plague c-ville and oak grove. If you've got a well established and documented riding record, you may be able to get some leniency.

The city cops are all ex-Army and they know right now the Army is putting motorcycle riders under a microscope. I didn't want to say anything in your previous post, but when you remarked that you went riding (even though you hadn't re-certed) It made me worried. The last thing we (motorcycle riders) need right now is more heat, and even though you might not mean it, things like this get used as an excuse throughout Campbell to make riding motorcycles even harder.

Unfortunately for riders, bikes that sound fast, are fast to people who don't know any better. Even though you were probably not doing anything illegal, the person who called in is probably sick and tire of seeing people racing down tiny town rd all day and you just happened to be the next group they saw that "looked" like they were wrong.
I learned today that the local cops here in clarksville, Tn hate bikers. I was pulled over after someone called in to the police and said that me and my buddy where racing down the street. No, we where not racing. We where both going the posted speed. Unfortunately, I forgot to put all my info in my pocket before leaving the house ie: drivers license, insurance, registration, etc. Now I have a court hearing, and have to bring all this crap !! Ugh, lesson learned ? 1. Cops around here are jerks towards bikes. 2. Dont leave the house without all your proper documents !!
Often no smoke without fire? Sadly you got an officer having a crap day.

Often no smoke without fire? Sadly you got an officer having a crap day.


I later learned that the local police use that excuse to pull over bikers allot !! This way they aren't profiling, :Flip: That is what I wanted to do to the guy !! Then I realized I had left all my paperwork at home, and thought it best not to test the limits, lol
I forgot to put all my info in my pocket before leaving the house ie: drivers license, insurance, registration, etc.

Just out of curiosity, why don't you keep your insurance and registration under your seat? Just put it in a ziplock bag. Mine stayed in a ziplock bag for 2 years through rain, snow, long rides, heat, cold, and when I needed it it was right there and was in the same shape as when I'd put it there.
I looked at the police reports. They police were called because you weren't wearing any pants! Not because you and your buddy were racing! That's also the reason you didn't have you ID and proof of insurance! :spank:
My brother used to live up that way and he said the exact same things about cops and bikes, and he is a Leo , here in ga cops don't even ask for your papers any more all they want is your drivers license because your tag displays all the other info on their computer
I looked at the police reports. They police were called because you weren't wearing any pants! Not because you and your buddy were racing! That's also the reason you didn't have you ID and proof of insurance! :spank:

LMAO!!!! :rof::rof::rof:
It's always a cats n mouse game, so don't fall for that trap and lose. Make sure you ride responsibly and always carry your papers.

There is this one motorcycle cop just dying to get me each morning on my way to work. I leave at 0500 so there isn't much traffic, and we keep running into each other, or I should say he keeps hiding in different spots, but I always find him.

SEE Search, Evaluate and Execute. I ride by and pump my fist above the tank making an expression of YES while I ride by and look over at him. I'm riding right at the posted number LEO, can't get me. Okay, maybe for my lould pipes if you have to resort that low.
I looked at the police reports. They police were called because you weren't wearing any pants! Not because you and your buddy were racing! That's also the reason you didn't have you ID and proof of insurance! :spank:

hahahaha, thanks !!! I actually didnt have my papers or info because that was the first ride I have taken. I now did the above mentioned. Put everything in a ziplock baggy, and put it under the seat. Sorry if I have offended anyone with this post. I just really needed to vent after this all happened. On that note, I have talked to a few other guys that are actually local cops around here. They even said there are plenty of guys on the force that will come up with any excuse to pull over the bikes around here just to check for things like your insurance etc. Guess I was just the unlucky one. Oh well, I will deal with it, and move on.
Find his sleeping/hiding spot...Tailpipe/Banana.... or fruit of your choice;)

J/K... Ya just move on...
I'm surprised some of you have so much trouble with cops. We have notoriously bored and ******* cops around here, yet I've never been messed with, ever.

Of course, I pay a lot of attention and keep an eye out for them, and try to limit riding like a dong till when no one is around, and even then I don't go too nuts.

I even took my bike for a ride with the cowling completely stripped off, passed a cop doing around 50 at least in a 35 on a river road, and he still seemed to pay no mind.

Guess I've been a bit lucky, but in my experience as long as you aren't riding like a tool and drawing attention to yourself, they don't care. The full gear and lack of fairings might help that. Many times aside from the one above have I been distracted or just lucky and come up on a cop while going too fast. None of them gave me trouble.