Liscense or No?

What order did(will) you complete it in?

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My granddad gave me the Honda to learn on. Then I got the FZ. Later went and got a permit. Attended a MSF course, and got my liscense. This all was over about a 2 month period.
Whats that permit.. ?
Here we can buy bike whenever we want, need a license to run it.. Permit for what?

The permit that people are talking about is a learner's permit. It's sort of a graduated licensing. Most states require that you get a learner's permit before getting your license. The permit allows you to ride/drive (we have the same thing for cars) within certain parameters, as you learn to ride. Once you feel comfortable riding, and think you're good enough, you schedule a driving test where a tester follows you and watches your ability to ride. If they decide you're good enough, you get your license, and you're good to go. If you fail, you have to practice more and take the test again at a later date.

In NY, the permit states that you must be within 1/4 mile of a licensed rider (they must have their motorcycle endorsement for this to be legal). You also have to provide a vehicle and driver for the driving test so that the tester can witness your abilities on the street.

There are also riding classes that you can take that will wave the driving test all together. Once you successfully complete the training class, you get your license, and a reduction in your insurance rates.
Bought a 250 Rebel and stayed on my street and the DMV parking lot training with my dad. Got my permit and started hitting the streets and got my license and I was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Well, when I was younger it was bike, gear, permit, licence...

After an 8 year break in riding and California not transfering my Motorcycle license it was....

Permit, MSF, License, Bike/Gear(same day), then BUSA!!!! I am very happy that I bought all my gear and bike together, it saved me from a lot of pain!
Got the bike, then permit, then license.

We bought dual sports and thought we would be riding off road more - wasn't the case.
MSF class two weeks ago. Took test for endorsement on Tue. Found bike on Thurs. Riding on Sun evening. Had it for 5 days and loving it.
Here in Florida we don't need a permit. It's bike than license. Just don't get caught.
Here in NSW, you need a L permit for 3-6 months, then a P permit for 12-18 months, then you move to your full license, unfortunately due to the usual government greed and attempts to discriminate against younger people in any possible form they extended it so that now you need 3-6 months on your L permits, then 3 years on your P's.

I was lucky I got my fulls before the new system. There are also required courses you need to complete to go for your L's and P's.

I got my Helmet, Gloves and Jacket, then my L's (permit), Bike and then boots. Only got my FZ6 after getting my fulls.
None of the above actually. Bought my bike, then got my license 2 weeks later by taking the MSF class. Never needed to get my permit.
I picked up my bike (trailered it home), then the next day I got my permit and a week later I got my license. I had to wait a month to take the BRC.
i went and picked up a bike, then got my permit and practiced and rtode a lot for 30 days then went and passed the test.

I recommend to everyone to NOT do it the way I did. take a class, it is definitely worth it :thumbup:
Getting your M1 Endorsement is different in every state. In Cal it's called a M1 Endorsement. Again here in Cal you pass a written test first to be able to be even considered for the M1. Once you pass the written test you get a permit. No riding on a Freeway, or after dark, or with a passanger. You have 6 months to go back to the DMV and take your test. My test was a joke. Ride in the parking lot up and down two painted lines and ride your bike in a slow circle. The instructer did not even look to see if I put a foot down. It was all slow parking lot test stuff.

I waited 2 hours to do this stupid test. And the Testers didn't even watch my test. They just wrote me off as good and here I am. The least they could do is watch my test!! Show proof of insurance and I was good to go. Been Licensed ever since that was my experience.

As far as real experience having ridden dirt bikes for years is a excellent thing. I have real respect for crashing and you will crash on a dirt bike. I wear all the gear all the time and dont take the street for granted. Again all the gear all the time. I still race dez in the dirt and love it. Having experience offroad has made me a better street rider for sure. Love my current ride a FZ6 and respect it for all it can do on the pavement. Fun and fast but I never loose my respect for it at anytime. She can kill you.
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The permit that people are talking about is a learner's permit. It's sort of a graduated licensing. Most states require that you get a learner's permit before getting your license. The permit allows you to ride/drive (we have the same thing for cars) within certain parameters, as you learn to ride. Once you feel comfortable riding, and think you're good enough, you schedule a driving test where a tester follows you and watches your ability to ride. If they decide you're good enough, you get your license, and you're good to go. If you fail, you have to practice more and take the test again at a later date.

In NY, the permit states that you must be within 1/4 mile of a licensed rider (they must have their motorcycle endorsement for this to be legal). You also have to provide a vehicle and driver for the driving test so that the tester can witness your abilities on the street.

There are also riding classes that you can take that will wave the driving test all together. Once you successfully complete the training class, you get your license, and a reduction in your insurance rates.

The permit bit had me a bit confused there but it seems a bit like our provisional licence.
Over here it's:
First you have to take the theory test which is a set of multiple choice questions and then a set of hazard perception videos where you click the mouse every time you spot a hazard. Then you complete compulsory basic training (CBT). This is basically a morning of training at an off road facility- parking lot or similiar, followed by an assessed road ride
Age 16 limited to 50cc and 30mph limiter on the machine.
Age 17 limited to 125cc.
After that there are a choice of 2 tests the first one which is taken on a 125. When you pass it limits you to 33bhp about 250cc. If you are under 21 you are limited to this anyway. After 2 years you are automatically upgraded to any size of bike.
Or you can take a direct access test must be don on a bike of at least 500cc then you are unlimited by size or power.

It was easier when I started in the 70s. At 17 you could have a 250cc then take your test which was just a case of riding round the block a few times while the examiner stood and watched at some point he would signal for you to do an emergency stop and that was it, test done ride what you want and the streets of Britain were littered with mangled 17 year olds.
I took my Theory/Hazard perception test. Bought the Bike then took my CBT and direct access course over 4 days which includes test. And away to go.:D


I did the permit - bike - license, but only because the test following the week-long training school was canceled due to snow! I had already made arrangements to pick my bike up the day after the scheduled test, so just rode with the permit for an extra week!
It was summer when I decided to take the MSF course in September when it'd be cooler. In the mean time i kept an eye out for a good deal on a bike in the papers. I ended up finding a 96 Rebel for $1000 so I snapped it up fast. For a few weekends I practiced in a parking lot with hubby's guidance. I'm glad I had at least that little bit of experience beforehand. It calmed my nerves quite a bit on class day. I skipped the permit part and went straight to the M endorsement after passing the MSF course! Then lots more practice in the parking lot and around the neighborhood before hitting the streets.
I took beginners(NON MSF) Motorcyle class. Then got my my permit 3 days later. 2 weeks later I took the MSF class which gave me the waiver for the M1 endorsement and I got my bike the same day I started the MSF class. I took the extra class because of my wife's requirement to take as many different available safety classes.
Bought my first bike when i was 17. 1985 honda v30 magna. Rode it for aobut 500 miles on the country roads. took the safety course got my license and the rest is history