Lent my bike and.......


Junior Member
Jul 30, 2009
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Modesto/San jose Ca USA
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you guessed it he crashed it. here is the story

My older brother was going to work yesterday and took the windy roads on his 94 camry. he wasn't paying attention and lost control on one of the turns and off he went onto a small ditch. the car was not drivable so i had to go pick it up last night with my truck. on the way back he ask for a ride to work 80 miles away, or ask if he could use the bike. i said go ahead and use the bike. and had about 20 minute talk with him about what to expect from the FZ6, and what to expect from wearing winter riding gear "heated".

at about 6 in the morning he decided to take the windy roads again, came to a S type turn that sharpened real quick in the middle. by the way he didnt make it very far in the twisty's this happened in the first 4 actual turns. he got scared and was going about 45mph when he notice the turn was going to sharped so he slammed on both breaks. he kinda fish tail a little and hit the guard rail kinda side ways. because he dint know how to lean i guess. the bike never really hit the ground until he had already stopped. just swiped guard rail and continued for a few feet.

He came out ok just minor cuts to his leg because he was pined between the guard rail and the bike. Thank god i gave him all my gear! as for the bike she is ok minor body damage to the front but everything else is good i am not even going to file a claim. but last time i lend him a car or bike that's for sure

Reasons i lent the bike.
1. Brother
2. need it a way to get to work
3 had rode bikes before, he rode an old CBR with no plastics and then got a 2007 R6 that he put about 12k miles into before it got stolen.
4. had lent him my FZ6 once before around town.

Reasons he crashed Theory
1. had about 3 years since he rode a bike, exception for the one time i lent him the FZ6 a few months ago.
2. going to fast around the corner.
3. little to no twisty experience
4. plain stupid

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$h#tty 4 u.....Tell your brother to start taking the bus...Better for everyone involved...:surrender:
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well glad the damage was minimal to both parties, and thanks for reminding me to never let anyone ride my bike! unless they have a nicer bike they would be willing to trade in case of the worst case!
i never lend by bike to anyone with the exception of him since we grew up together around the same age. I have always helped him out in anyway but after this one i am going to start to say NO! I think i have helped him enough. The good thing is that its minimal in my eyes. there is no frame or fork damage just some scratches on the right side of the headlight and a crack, And by the turn signal, the mirror broke but i have some new ones that i am going to install manana the Givi box took all the damage on the back LOL.
The crash part sucks, but at least he came out mostly ok and there wasn't much damage to the bike.

I don't let anyone ride my bike (unless they're the passenger, of course) - period. I let some friends borrow my car all the time though. Even though my car is worth a ton more there's just a lot less of a chance of them wrecking the car.
It sucks!!!!!

I remember when I started riding I was using a friends bike. The very first time I got on it I was paying more attention to "not let the bike down" than anything else.

At least I'm your case (with the bike accident) the damage was not serious on both your brother and the bike

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I'm glad your brother and your bike made it out intact. Blood is thicker than motor oil, but still... your bike?!?! :D Hope you get everything roadworthy, and it doesn't cost too much. And, I also hope your brother starts paying attention in the twisties! :spank:
Glad he's OK and there's only minor damage to the bike.

I gotta say though.. he dumped his CAR in a ditch because he wasn't paying attention and you let him ride your bike after that?!?! :eek:

Lesson learned, I guess :BLAA:

+1 on taking the bus.. better for everyone :D
MoeDog: Next time he asks quickly change subject and offer to lend him your wife (joke).

Also (joke):

Reasons NOT to lend the bike.
1. Brother
2. need it a way to get to work
3 had rode bikes before, he rode an old CBR with no plastics and then got a 2007 R6 that he put about 12k miles into before it got stolen.
4. had borrowed my FZ6 once before around town.

Reasons he crashed Theory
1. No favor goes unpunished
2. going to fast around the corner.
3. little to no twisty experience
4. plain stupid

Addendum: Hey, MoeDog---NorCal FZ6's (so far, 3 of us) ride down to join SoCal forum riders again in July (weekend): interested?
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he ditched a car, and then decided to ride your bike on the same road.... I'm sorry but I would say that is someone that belongs on the bus!
here are the pics on the bike, i just replaced my mirror since it broke. i am not going to put no money into it since its a commuter bike anyways. she still rides fine and there is no damage pass the front. from far away you really cant tell. i guess it was my fault for being to nice to him all the time. its just who i am i guess. well now i can teach my wife how to ride it and wont matter if she drops it. in an open parking lot of course. is she enjoys it i will get her a Ninja 250 to ride around town
they are iphone pics so that's going to have to do

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I must have missed the part where you said your brother was going to replace the damaged bits.

There's a difference between "being nice" and "being a doormat".
Your brother has got to feel pretty bad, probably not very easy for him to deal that he has crashed your bike.

You are a very cool brother. I never had a brother, but If I did, you would be the kind of brother I would want.
You're a good brother! :rockon: That's the important part! The bike is fixable and he's okay.
I would start to be conscious of his crash pattern and see if you can help him. :rolleyes:
I must have missed the part where you said your brother was going to replace the damaged bits.

There's a difference between "being nice" and "being a doormat".

Exactly ..... it appears brother borrows other peoples stuff, messes it up and walks away and we are all here saying what a great guy the other brother is for being such a pal for lending him his property.

The real culprit here is the owner of the bike for being the doormat. If it was me I'd be all over the sad sack brother to pay for the damage.
Exactly ..... it appears brother borrows other peoples stuff, messes it up and walks away and we are all here saying what a great guy the other brother is for being such a pal for lending him his property.

The real culprit here is the owner of the bike for being the doormat. If it was me I'd be all over the sad sack brother to pay for the damage.

My original post started with, "You had it coming.."

I changed it because I don't want to repeat what the OP already knows. It sucks enough that his bike was not returned in the same condition it was lent, but that's what happens. I have a rule... "Don't lend anything you cannot afford to give away."

I can't live without my bike. So, I only lend it to folks that I know can/will replace it if something terrible happens. I also don't lend money to anybody. If you can't borrow it from a bank, you probably can't afford to repay me. If you can't afford to repay me, I can't afford to lend it to you. Since I can't afford to give it to you, I guess you'll have to be the one to do without.

Come to think of it, I've never had anyone ask me if they could borrow any of my motorcycles. I guess my reputation precedes me. It's nice when your legacy does the talking for you.

Some folks call that "being an *sshole". I call it "not being an enabler".
Guess the only way to be sure your bike wont get crashed by some else is to not lend it.Its hard to say no to a good friend or relative but if you think they are not someone competent [or they are stupid] then no dice.
Glad your brother is OK but really sorry to hear about your bike :(.

My bother doesn't have a bike license otherwise he would be one of the few people I would lend it to if he was in a fix, my brothers not just a good mate but he would do the same for me.

I think that my only reservation would be the chance of ice on the roads as this can be difficult for riders with experience, let alone someone without.

I know what you guys are saying about letting him take the bus but unfortunately public transport does not always run when we need it.

Although I wouldn't ask I know my brother would pay for any damage so this does make a big difference.