Legalize Lane-Splitting?

Popeye70 is making too much sense. Also, I guess if one wants to see a really good case of lane splitting one can watch ants and how they efficiently move en masse.
this issue has reared its head in France too..this is how they deal with things

[ame=]YouTube - Manifestation FFMC 13 mars 2010 - PARIS[/ame]
Lane splitting is a great idea for warmer states with decent pavement. In MN, there are many highways (even interstates) with NASTY tire-eating potholes between the lanes. I would not lane split on many roads here even if it were legal! I need to move to California.....
I lanesplit 30km each way every day on a very congested highway. Highway is safer than backroads, where people haven't woken up yet, and are all ty to take every gap they see.

Highway is at least a fairly stable level of dangerous. But on my route i know about 10 regulars, and hundreds more that you only see once.

I've picked up some guys off the tar, but most of them were noobs, who were riding in the wrong place, and too fast. We ride similar speeds, and a few of us are the "thankers" ... trust me a small wave when a cage pulls over for you goes a LONG way!

I'd split even if they made it illegal. No ways a cop will keep up in traffic with his panniers etc.
Abraxas has a good term "thanker" for the lane splitters who acknowledge cagers who maneuver to give the rider a little more room. I appreciate it when this happens sometimes. That and the fold-in mirrors on the FZ6!