LED Mirror Signals

Aren't the flush mount signal less conspicuous than the stock mounts? At any rate, the mirror mod signals, I agree, are more conspicuous..but I don't think that I've ever seenm a cage or bike with signal lights on mirrors projecting forward. This is probably a sure traffic stop?
I still say no.

Look at some newer bikes. GIXER's come STOCK with foreward facing mirror turn signals!

Yes flush mounts are less conspicuiousand hence they are technically illegal for that reason. (not the correct lens size and dimensions required to be DOT approved)

Again, you are only 'enhancing' your signals, not replacing them. You are also using amber LEDS which an officer told me here that as long as the "forward pointing lights are either white or amber" you aren't doing anything wrong and is not illegal. Albeit this was in Canada, but I can't see additional amber lighting/signals being an issue at all. Heck, look at semi trucks these days! They have like 112 amber lights on them!!!

Again, it's all about "bigger fish to fry" and the individual cop. I got a ticket for my blue Pod llights from one duche cop. Since then, I've ridden past dozens of cops with them on who don't even look twice. Go figure. I now have a switch to turn them off (...what blue lights officer??)

Even if you got pulled over, I would find it hard to believe that someone would give you a ticket for additional signals that make you safer, more visible to traffic and are the correct legal colour (amber). If you had say green signals or something, then you might run into issues.

I wouldn't worry about it at all.
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Yeah, I see on Suzuki's webpage those signal lights projecting forward. I can't argue, it certainly seems like it enhances the signal action. Well, I think the DMV code needs to be updated if these Suzukis are running around CA because Suzuki could never sell them here like that if they are truly illegal. I remember about 30 years ago I had quartz halogen driving lights on a cage. A CHP officer blew a gasket during a roadside inspection and wrote me up a ticket. Another cop at the same inspection took the ticket and said, "Don't worry about it, he's just overreacting because somebody shined high beams at him once.". So, yeah, a lot depends on the cop. Re running up the wire through the mirror: I hope it's doable because I would like to mod/enhance/extend my Scorpio alarm FM attenae wire to also go up through the mirror mounting. It would really increase the verticality of the attenae run and probably give me better range/reception.
as far as running the wires outside the mirror you could use a long piece of black heat shrink. that would work and i think it would look better than tape plus if u ever want to take it off no sticky glue residue from tape
as far as running the wires outside the mirror you could use a long piece of black heat shrink. that would work and i think it would look better than tape plus if u ever want to take it off no sticky glue residue from tape

That's an excellent idea! :thumbup: It would look much much more like a stock part of the bike.
Ok, so here's my newest idea for a weekend project:

I picked up a bunch of ultrabright LEDs and a spare set of mirrors to test with (thanks Serraph). I'm thinking about removing the stock front turn signals and building a custom set of LED signals into the mirrors. I just don't like the stocks sticking out so far and flushes don't seem like they would get enough attention. Here's a few quick photoshops of my current ideas. Comments, suggestions and criticism are welcome. As always I'll document the process as I go for anyone interested in giving it a try themselves.

If you can do it, I'll buy a set!!!!:Sport:
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Yeah, sorry about that, I tend to start these little projects and then never finish them....

I ended up converting to naked. When I did I bought a set of these. I've been fairly happy with them. They started showing a bit of rust round the ball joint after about a year, but not enough to convince me to replace them yet. The LEDs are pretty bright, but I still recommend having actual signals, in my opinion these aren't enough on their own. Let me know if you have any specific questions.
The ones you ended up with look good, the issue with the original idea is as stated your visibility from the side for the blinkers would be pretty bad, obviously if your adding to your stock lights and not replacing them thats not an issue, but replacing them.... not exactly the safest choice.
The second most common thing I see other than the squids in shorts, tshirt and thongs on a superbike, is all the superbikes with fender eliminators or custom blinkers that are just not visible. They may look awesome, but as another road user on my bike I honestly can't say I'd have any sympathy for the rider being in an accident with their almost invisible lights being the cause.