Kids with Civics crack me up (warning, bit of a pent up rant)

Hey...I love my civic. :(


I know it's not fast, though. That's what the FZ6 is for. It just handles extremely well. :D

The broke ricers with old civics usually just turn into douchebags with fast cars once their cashflow increases. I get revved at by tools in V6 mustangs on 20's and brodozer trucks more than anything else. Although, I do still get the occasional riced out civic or integra tring to race me.

Did the Si ever come in silver? Seems everyone gets them in black.
Hey...I love my civic. :(


I know it's not fast, though. That's what the FZ6 is for. It just handles extremely well. :D

The broke ricers with old civics usually just turn into douchebags with fast cars once their cashflow increases. I get revved at by tools in V6 mustangs on 20's and brodozer trucks more than anything else. Although, I do still get the occasional riced out civic or integra tring to race me.

There is a big difference between your car and a riced out POS lol. I like that hood, it goes with the car really well.

This is a riced out POS:
There is a big difference between your car and a riced out POS lol. I like that hood, it goes with the car really well.

This is a riced out POS:

is that what i think it is? a spoiler made of a wooden pallet? my eyes!!!!! it hurts seeing it
Hmmm, that's modded out? :spank:





These guys are in a different class to the Idiots that slap on a big bore exhaust and low profile tyres.
The real modders wouldn't be seen dead destroying their artwork.
Those of you in the Rochester NY area may know this guy...

Drives a early 2000's Altima, b lack with a rusted front fender, and flat black hood, not modded out with ricer crap, but the guy that drives it is complete TOOL.

Drives it like a SQUID weaving through HEAVY (for Rochester) rush hour traffic, hard on the brakes up the tail pipe of the car in front.

I over heard two of my co-workers talking abut this A-hole in an Altima... sure enough same guy same M.O. The Kicker is he lives and works near where I live and work, so I get stuck with him DAILY...might be time for a little Driveway Vigilante justice.:spank:
Those of you in the Rochester NY area may know this guy...

Drives a early 2000's Altima, b lack with a rusted front fender, and flat black hood, not modded out with ricer crap, but the guy that drives it is complete TOOL.

Drives it like a SQUID weaving through HEAVY (for Rochester) rush hour traffic, hard on the brakes up the tail pipe of the car in front.

I over heard two of my co-workers talking abut this A-hole in an Altima... sure enough same guy same M.O. The Kicker is he lives and works near where I live and work, so I get stuck with him DAILY...might be time for a little Driveway Vigilante justice.:spank:

I believe i dealt with this guy on 390 actually... he literally was driving with one set of tires on the rumble strips and the others nearly in the median to go around a tractor trailer on the right :eek: obviously he couldn't wait for the tractor trailer passing the one in the slow lane... i waited and it took all of maybe 45 secs? :spank:
Was in Myrtle Beach. came up to the light down there it was 3 lanes each way I am in the far left lane.. pulled up and a man and his wife probably in their 60's in the middle lane in a late 90's vette. they were chatting with a guy in jacked diesel f250. They were in the right lane. They started revving their engines and I chuckled to myself. For the heck of it I shut off the traction control and dropped into first. I drive a 08 Scion XB... I should have lost.... Anyway middle aged man stalled and truck turned out to be slightly underpowered for how high it was. hit the next light and I am laughing my butt off when they pull up... They wouldn't even look at me. So they try again this time useless truck once again slow... middle aged man launches great goes to hit second and hits 6th.. I am assuming he was flying then wasn't and he didn't stall it.... Moral of the story its 90% the driver 10% the ride....
Hey...I love my civic. :(


I know it's not fast, though. That's what the FZ6 is for. It just handles extremely well. :D

The broke ricers with old civics usually just turn into douchebags with fast cars once their cashflow increases. I get revved at by tools in V6 mustangs on 20's and brodozer trucks more than anything else. Although, I do still get the occasional riced out civic or integra tring to race me.

Honestly i don't consider the si a civic... i know it is but i don't throw it in with the punks with pipes because i'd own an Si.... think it's a sweet looking car!! that and i have yet to see one with an aftermarket ricer pipe on the back of it....then again it doesn't need one, it's already "cool" in my book :thumbup:
This thread reminds me of the "my roommate drank my last ice tea" thread. lol

My buddy and I came up behind a cheapish looking riced-out Nissan (Altima maybe) a couple months ago on a twisty road. There was a box truck in front of him. We were fully expecting to pass both in short order and be on our way but we could quickly tell that the Nissan was looking to pass ASAP so we were careful.

Sure enough, first opportunity to jam a pass in the Nissan goes for it at WOT...full buzz from the nappy exhaust. We follow on the gas hoping to communicate that he will now be letting us pass. He keeps accelerating...and accelerating...but we're only doing like 60-65 as we approach the next corner (marked 25 mph)...whoa...he's not slowing down. As we're rolling off the throttle Dude lays into the corner without missing a the exit of the corner he has put a number of car lengths between us (we were on dual sports with full knobby tires but they still corner pretty good).

He vanishes in about 3 more turns. Gone.

But then we catch up becuase he hit more traffic. Once again he gets by and quickly dissappears. Car was a sleeper....driver had skillz. Much to watch.
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