Keep kids safe around your parked bike by...


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Jun 20, 2011
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Putting it on it's center stand. I know this will be common seance for some but my Dad told me of his buddies son climbing up the wrong side of his bike on the kick stand and it was enough to topple it over on the poor kid. Thanks for looking out Dad and I hope this may help keep the ones we love safer around our bikes.
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Or chase off kids when they come running to you as you pull in with your scalding hot bike into driveway.

My little cousins (3 years old perhaps at the time) cam running to me to see the cool uncle on his cool bike. I couldn't jump out of the seat faster to catch them before they would start touching the hot engine or exhaust headers.
I was told that a bike is actually less stable on the center stand than on the side stand. From my observations over the years, I agree.

A bike (on a level surface) sitting on the side stand is near impossible to push over (by a kid) toward the side stand and takes quite a bit of effort to push over the other way since the center of gravity is toward the side stand. If you lock the steering head, a push over is even more difficult.

On the center-stand the bike's center of gravity is centered and the side stand does not resist a push over nearly as well due to the feet being much closer to the center of gravity.
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My son who will be turning 3 in Jan has the same boots and always insists on putting those on before jumping on the bike. He even opened the garage door one morning and told me he was leaving for work on 'Papa's orange bike'

I usually lock the door leading to the garage but heck it doesn't hurt to put the bike on the centerstand or in my case the rear stand. Anything to keep the little fella safe.

Actually it is my wife that I am more worried about, she tried to move the bike once while it was in 1st and on the side stand, I came home and found the bike barely on the stand, I am sure it would have toppled if it were leaning away from + grade.
I was told that a bike is actually less stable on the center stand than on the side stand. From my observations over the years, I agree.

A bike (on a level surface) sitting on the side stand is near impossible to push over (by a kid) toward the side stand and takes quite a bit of effort to push over the other way since the center of gravity is toward the side stand. If you lock the steering head, a push over is even more difficult.

On the center-stand the bike's center of gravity is centered and the side stand does not resist a push over nearly as well due to the feet being much closer to the center of gravity.

Well shoot now I'm conflicted.
I was told that a bike is actually less stable on the center stand than on the side stand. From my observations over the years, I agree.

A bike (on a level surface) sitting on the side stand is near impossible to push over (by a kid) toward the side stand and takes quite a bit of effort to push over the other way since the center of gravity is toward the side stand. If you lock the steering head, a push over is even more difficult.

On the center-stand the bike's center of gravity is centered and the side stand does not resist a push over nearly as well due to the feet being much closer to the center of gravity.

Now that I recall the conversation I don't think you are correct in every case. If the bike is parked in the grass and the child climbs up the side w the kick stand yes it will topple over I just went out and gave it a tug.
I don't think the bike is stable enough to let your 'kids playing on/around the bike' guard down in either situation. The best defense is awareness in two ways:

1) Make children aware that it's not a toy and could severely hurt them
2) Be aware that children don't always listen to warnings and be ready
I watch for minivans pulling into the next space after I've parked the bike, and hang around for a moment until the mom has corralled the kiddies and led them away.

I try to avoid parking close by where there are swarms of kids. But I can't watch the bike all the time. Parents have to take some of the responsibility -- though I have to say most of them always do. I hope it does some good whenever I get a chance to educate the parents about hot mufflers etc.
Used to ride mine to church where there are lots of kids. Always parked around back and as close to a fence as I could get so it it did go over it would only go a couple of inches. Made it hard to get off the bike but gave me more peace of mind. All of my kids are at the age where the danger is that they will take off with the bike! My daughter took my scooter to college with her - it was a blast to ride around the neighborhood. Finally told her it was OK as long as she came back with a MRS, she got mad and didn't ask for money for at least a week. :)
If you are really worried about kids knocking it over I think the center stand and a ziptie on the front brake lever to act like a parking brake or in gear on the side stand with a locked colunm!

If the bike is on level ground in gear and locked colunm I would have a hard time believing any sub 70lb kid could knock it over and any kid above that weight should be old enough to suffer the consquences of a bike landing on him or her for messing with something they know they shouldnt:rockon: