Just to make everyone really jealous


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Oct 24, 2007
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Take a look at the attached image from Google earth. This is my route to work which I did for the first time today on the bike. Aldermaston to near Winchester. The purple line is the route Google advises but I took the route marked in white. 32 miles and 45 minutes of glorious b roads. Up - down, turn, 2 mile straights with junctions or hedges. I go over Watership Down which is glorious:Flash: and the hogs back which is 5 miles of straight, fast A road :rockon:that has about 10 BIG crests and dips. Brilliant! :Sport:
Take a look at the attached image from Google earth. This is my route to work which I did for the first time today on the bike. Aldermaston to near Winchester. The purple line is the route Google advises but I took the route marked in white. 32 miles and 45 minutes of glorious b roads. Up - down, turn, 2 mile straights with junctions or hedges. I go over Watership Down which is glorious:Flash: and the hogs back which is 5 miles of straight, fast A road :rockon:that has about 10 BIG crests and dips. Brilliant! :Sport:
Steady mate, you will need to change the oil soon at that rate (bad joke mate sorry) Glad your back at work how did it go?
Job looks pretty interesting once I get laptop/phone etc. Until then it's a bit boring doing not much. Lovely location (cue another google earth pic)
Yeah, you got me on the route. My 50 mile round-trip commute involves turning the bars 2-3 times and just wearing the center of the tires the remainder of the time... But, it was 75F when I rode in at daybreak, and even warmer on the way home!
And watch out for those "Bright eyes" when caught in your headlights ;)

Looks nice buggerlugs, great to hear you're back at work mate.
Rabbits don't seem to be a problem on my commute, it's badgers and deer I have to look out for. So far I've only hit a deer in the car, it was already dead and lying in a dip after a hump in the road, if it was alive and standing up I'd have seen it.

I get to do the A343 from Newbury to Andover, only twenty minutes, but it's a good bit of road. I usually do it in the car as dealing with bike kit at each end of the journey doubles the length of the commute, but the bike gets a run every now and again when I'm on lates and the weather's not too crap. I work shifts and don't trust myself at 05:30 on the bike in the middle of winter, I've had to do it twice due to the deer incident above breaking the car, both days it was -5, thick fog and pitch black with forzen mud, road kill and leaf mould all over the road. Didn't enjoy it. It'll be better once it warms up a bit and I only need half the amount of gear to keep warm.
Rabbits don't seem to be a problem on my commute, it's badgers and deer I have to look out for. So far I've only hit a deer in the car, it was already dead and lying in a dip after a hump in the road, if it was alive and standing up I'd have seen it.

I get to do the A343 from Newbury to Andover, only twenty minutes, but it's a good bit of road. I usually do it in the car as dealing with bike kit at each end of the journey doubles the length of the commute, but the bike gets a run every now and again when I'm on lates and the weather's not too crap. I work shifts and don't trust myself at 05:30 on the bike in the middle of winter, I've had to do it twice due to the deer incident above breaking the car, both days it was -5, thick fog and pitch black with forzen mud, road kill and leaf mould all over the road. Didn't enjoy it. It'll be better once it warms up a bit and I only need half the amount of gear to keep warm.
Do you have access to land? I am looking for some rabbit shooting ground.

Watership Down is a cool book.
That looks like a fun place to ride.
Nice job on the commute - I am jealous - my 60 mile roundtrip is almost all on the interstate with medium to heavy traffic.
There are no backroad options for me to choose from.
I also take the "long way" to work, which is more like back road highways as opposed to interstates. Nothing like what you get though my friend. I am truly jealous.