Just ordered the PC V

I have a 2006, which is basically stock (except for fork coils).

Just ordered he PC V. Around $275. Seemed reasonable.

I made this investment after deciding that I like this bike enough to keep it for a while (I hope). I really like this bike, except...

I am hoping the PC-V will reduce the "catchy throttle", which is now the only thing that really annoys me on the FZ6.

Here is the update for the archive

- The installation was a breeze. About 15 minutes. The most time consuming part is removing those darn panel liners to get the tank up. All wiring, etc. interface to computer, was fine. I used a Mac Air with VMWare. Perfect.

- I used the maps from the DynoJet set. They have an "all-stock, all gear" map, which is on my bike now


The difference is clear right away. The bike is clearly better. The throttle snatchiness is not entirely gone, but it is probably 75% gone. Not as smooth as my dirt bike, but much nicer than it was.

The surprising part is the difference in power at low RPMs. I felt this bike was fine, but a little pokey off of idle, and if I did a WOT at low RPMs the response was slow, with a deep wah-wah-wah sound until about 6,000RPM, when it would come alive. Now, the power for acceleration at low RPMs is *much better* and this improvement is consistent up until the power band. I.e. this mod has definitely stretched out the power band of this bike. This is a very nice, surprising effect of this mod.

To summarize, I wish the throttle on-off was still a little smoother, but it's perfectly good now. And, I still need to do the throttle body sync. The overall change is the bike is significant, it's now a better bike. Worth the investment.


A couple of other observations:

The "zero map" thing is confusing. Some folks have claimed that a zero map changes the performance of the bike. But a zero map should make no changes to the stock EFI outputs, so I don't see how it could change the fuel *except* for the disconnected O2 sensor. I.e. isn't a zero map the same as disconnecting the O2 sensor on an unmodified EFI? If so, how much difference could that make?

I have not ridden it enough yet to say anything about MPG. However, in looking at the maps, I don't see how it could result in the dramatic reductions in fuel economy that others have stated. The maps I am using show delta in most throttle-rpm combinations of a *few percent*. In some ranges (low RPM and 15-30% throttle) the maps *reduces* the fuel inputs. So, I am optimistic but we will see

Finally, others have asked about PC III maps and the lack of maps for PC V. The new PC software has a import utility for PC III maps, so if you can find the right PC III maps, you can use them with PC V.

Thanks all for the suggestions/help.


IIRC the install has you disconnect the O2 sensor. Its very likely the ECM will run richer across the board to protect the engine from harm if it doesnt know what its actually doing. If this true it may explain the variance of the Zero map which should equate to input variables = output variables OR no change. Well other than the ecm defaulting to another "safe/save the engine" fuel map.
Think of it as the cages "limp mode" when certain CEL events are triggered.
IIRC the install has you disconnect the O2 sensor. Its very likely the ECM will run richer across the board to protect the engine from harm if it doesnt know what its actually doing. If this true it may explain the variance of the Zero map which should equate to input variables = output variables OR no change. Well other than the ecm defaulting to another "safe/save the engine" fuel map.
Think of it as the cages "limp mode" when certain CEL events are triggered.

Yup! ^^^

Also some one asked if you could do timing adjustment with the PCV. They do have an additional module... Ignition Module, Power Commander Ignition Module