Just got out of ER

Good luck with your recovery and thank your stars you walked away from the ER after five hours.

Guide rails as they exist today are a serious threat to a low-siding motorcyclist. In areas where the ground beyond the shoulder drops off steeply, the DOT should instead use a vertically flat impact-absorbing wall.

From the looks of the pictures, good thing you didn't high side over the guide rail...

Get well
good to hear your ok.. sucks about the bike, but you can replace the bike.. cant replace yourself.. but glad everything worked out so you dont have to pay on a bike they didnt total.. what about after things are sorted out with the insurance, picking up a 09???
good to hear your ok.. sucks about the bike, but you can replace the bike.. cant replace yourself.. but glad everything worked out so you dont have to pay on a bike they didnt total.. what about after things are sorted out with the insurance, picking up a 09???

Check the time stamp ;), the thread was resurrected by sjryser after the last post was almost a year ago. :spank:
Dude, I'm so happy that you didn't hit that pole! I'm sorry for your bike.. i know it hurts to see your bike in such a condition..

Wish you all the best mate..

Cheers ;)
Guard rails are one thing but some of the highways here have a barrier formed of 5 steel cables spaced about 3 inches apart! I imagine being sliced like a hard boiled egg if I hit that at speed. :(
Least your okay man! It could have been a lot worse, but luckily it didn't. As for the bike just buy it back and put her back together and let agp pay for the rest. Good luck!
I know how you feel, I got ran off the road and flipped my car a few years ago. I was pretty shooken up and mad. It lasted a long time, but you finally get over it. Dont let it consume you. At least you learned something and lived to do better next time. dont stop riding, thats how the bike haters win.
Seeing those pictures made my stomach lurch...as you had the same bike as me:(:(:(

Glad to hear you're not seriously injured...being able to walk away is a great thing. Good luck with the insurance!
Those guardrail posts scare the h*ll out of me, glad you didn't hit it any harder!