Just bought an 06 FZ6, Think I made a big mistake!

Hey, thanks everyone for the optimistic words! I guess I'm overreacting and your probably right, I need to give it a chance. Horsepower was never the issue. I just wanted something more upright. It kinda remminds me of one of my Enduro bikes but with a racing engine in it!

Well now that I own it and have to pay the expensive Ca. registration fees I might as well hang in there for awhile. This is a great forum, I really appreciate the feedback. I'll give an update in a few weeks and see how things have changed.:thumbup:

Thanks again, Rger8

OMG you're not kidding! I swear, they nail you for even more cash when you owe money on a vehicle too! I paid $130 for my FZ this year. And this crap just goes up and up every year. God I want out of this damn state......:banghead: /End Rant
OMG you're not kidding! I swear, they nail you for even more cash when you owe money on a vehicle too! I paid $130 for my FZ this year. And this crap just goes up and up every year. God I want out of this damn state......:banghead: /End Rant

I'm amazed the Fz is even legal in that state with all the exhaust, noise, and god knows what else they regulate or outlaw there. Always wanted to visit, but refuse to ever live there for this very reason.:spank:
I just got my '05 Fz a few months ago, as my first bike. Once you get use to the power it really isn't a problem. I do not run it hard at all, it is much more of a bike than I am a rider. I have a feeling that you will get use to it, and fall in love with it. Just give it time. :thumbup:
I had the same reaction when I went form a Ninja 250 to an R6. Really freaked myself out thinking it was going to enter warp 5 if I twitched the throttle and I was scared ****less on the first few rides. You'll get used to it.
op -

are you on gstwins ?

how many miles did you abuse the gs ?

how do you like the handling ? awesome huh ? enjoy !
First, :welcome:! Great forum here.

Second, :needpics:!

Third, you bought the faster red version, no wonder you're in shock! :BLAA:

Seriously, everyone has given you great advice, so just pay attenion and watch out for the cagers. Ride safe and under control.

New here, and I am bumming!!!

I just bought an immaculate 06 FZ6 with Puig windshield, Frame sliders and Leo Vince exhaust, had 3300 miles on it. I may have paid a bit much, $3900 but it doesn't have a scratch on it. ( Red One ) By saying I made a mistake I mean I had no clue what a rocket this thing is!!! I should have rode it a bit more, I don't know what the heck I was thinkin:eek: I screwed up!

Coming from the GS 500 world, for some reason I thought the engine might feel the same just more power. NOT even close!!!!. It is way different. Not sure what to do. I feel like putting it up for sale.

I hopped back on my GS and really liked it's behavior compared to the FZ6. Am I over-reacting? Any suggestions?


Yes you are over reacting.
You will get used to the power in no time and love every hp.
Fz6 06 was my first bike not quiet a year ago.

Now i am searching for ways to get more power out of it.
I've only been riding for ~3 months now, and my FZ is my second bike, after my beater XJ700 got totaled in a rear-ender. It hasn't scared me any in the week I've been riding it. Then again, I rarely need to use more than 1/4 throttle, and I've only taken it past 8k about once. I'm sure "it's only as fast as you twist it" gets dicey when you get into literbikes, but it works fine for me on this one. :shrug:

Now, as for the price... I hope that included everything OTD. And here I thought streetbikes were expensive on the OR coast!
There's a thread similar to this one in the GS500 forum, by a member who went from a GS500 to an FZ6, had a similar reaction to the OP here. Seems like it's the different power band and the higher rpms that can be unsettling to riders making this particular transition. Here's the link:

Bought FZ6 thinking it was better, maybe not !

I'm a long-time lurker, first time poster on this forum. I'm currently riding a GS500 (my first bike) and planning to trade it in for an fz6 in the next few months. Thanks for this thread, now I'll be prepared for the switch from a twin to an I4 :thumbup:
...you'll be fine, I started on the FZ6 after spending two hours on a Suzuki 250 in MSF. The best advice I could give is to avoid the temptation to ride beyond your skill set, and don't do stupid stuff like burnouts, weelies and the like. The FZ6 can be as tame as any bike around so long as you don't twist that right handle grip too far [or too quickly].

Get a couple tanks of fuel behind you, and you'll feel much better!
My first bike was a Nighthawk 650 (4cyl). It was REALLY tame. Highway riding at 2-3k. Very relaxed and calm. Then I got the FZ6. I'll be in 6th at 5k on the highway trying to find the next gear. It's a sportbike engine, so it's just geared to rev a lot higher for the same speeds, and it feels very touchy at low speeds. Just be careful and you'll be comfortable in no time. It's like having two bikes at once - you can shift when you hit 3 or 4k and you have a nice friendly cruiser....or you can hit 50 in 2nd gear and wonder what those other 4 gears are even there for.
Just give it time. I went from a GS500F to a 2009 FZ6 over the weekend and I'm loving it. I am very happy with my choice and I can see a lot of years of enjoyment out of this bike. I've still got about 700 miles until she's fully broken in, but I can already tell there is a lot of animal wanting to come out. Take it slow and treat it like you are learning to ride again and you will get used to the feel of it. Everyday I take it out I'm feeling more and more at home on the seat.
Like a lot of the folks here, I also went from a GS500 to an FZ6. I am a bigger guy, maybe that helps smooth out the power a bit. As for some of the choppiness, you'll get that light touch with the clutch soon enough, I'm sure. One thing I also noticed was how different the handling is, the FZ6 just doesn't turn in like the GS, you really need to push it into the corner and use your weight to steer it. I think you mentioned this as well, it was probably the biggest difference for me.

I don't think it's too much bike for you. You're giving it time which is good, hopefully at the end of a week or so you won't have as much of a problem with it.
My first 2 bikes were also smaller parallel twins - 82 GS300L and a 2001(?) kawi vulcan 500 (with the EX500 motor from the ninja 500). I talked a small shop into letting me take out an 04 FZ6 with givis all over it that they had for sale. I remember saying *exactly* what you're typing to myself in the helmet. I felt like I was wringing that bike's neck, winding it into the stratosphere, like the motor was going to detonate... and I looked down and realized I was shifting at 8k. It took a few hundred miles to get somewhat used to it, and I do still miss the friendly torquey twin delivery, but man does that inline 4 punch you in the pants when you want it to.
New here, and I am bumming!!!

I just bought an immaculate 06 FZ6 with Puig windshield, Frame sliders and Leo Vince exhaust, had 3300 miles on it. I may have paid a bit much, $3900 but it doesn't have a scratch on it. ( Red One ) By saying I made a mistake I mean I had no clue what a rocket this thing is!!! I should have rode it a bit more, I don't know what the heck I was thinkin:eek: I screwed up!

Coming from the GS 500 world, for some reason I thought the engine might feel the same just more power. NOT even close!!!!. It is way different. Not sure what to do. I feel like putting it up for sale.

I hopped back on my GS and really liked it's behavior compared to the FZ6. Am I over-reacting? Any suggestions?


Yes. Keep riding it you will enjoy the available power later not to mention all the technological improvements...fuel injection....down the road.
Hey everyone,

Thanks for all the words of optimisim! It's taking me some time but I am liking it better. I do notice the weight but it feels good on the highway. I sit a lot higher on the FZ than on the GS500 as well. I just finished putting Moto-tech Bar risers on it, 1" up and 1" back which made a nice difference and put a 17 tooth front sprocket on as well. The sprocket really smoothed things out and I really didn't notice anything missing off the bottom. A really nice change, for me anyway.

I checked the mileage last week and after a combination of highway and city driving I got 56mpg, sweet:D I'm going to give her a real test this weekend and take it on a 50-75 mile cruise through some twisties and such.

The bike is a big step up and I love the overall quality of the machine, so many nice touches, fuel guage, frame, brakes, suspension etc.. what a machine:thumbup:

Thanks again!
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