Just blowing off some steam


Junior Member
Jan 11, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
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So I went to visit a buddy of mine a while ago and we planned a weekend of riding...We were 7 and I was the only sport\touring bide there...the line up was 2005 cbr 600, 2006 zx6r, 2005 repsol 1000, 2001 cbr 600, 2003 r6, 2008 gsxr 750, and my fz-6..Everybody was great we wore having a blast everybody was exited to show me some scenery and some curves...except for the guy with the gixxer..he was extremely arrogant and had a problem with me being there..(cause I didn't have a ''crotch rocket'') He would ignore me completely or talk down to me. So when we took off I made it my mission to show him up on the road, and I did I got on him the whole time and the only times he was able to pull away was on long stretches. Now after the day was done he left and seemed extremely insulted..I don't know what is up with these guys that think we can't ride with them because of the kinds of bike we have...anyways just thought id blow some steam.

Thanks for listennig...
It's not the bike, but it's the rider. In both cases, mental & skills in which the Gixxer rider had none of.
It's prolly an individual thing. But yeah some people identify or prejudge and then for some reason have to expend energy on other than having a good time.
The main thing is for you to happy with whoever you are and have a great time riding!

I ride with peeps that ride every kind of bike you can think of and I haven't had a problem having the FZ6.
The people I ride with from this forum are always great to be with and some of the fastest riders I've ever been with. :eek::D
It's still good to blow off steam. Pshhhhht!! Uh! oh! that wasn't steam!!! :rof: :spank::ban:
lol Cliff you crack me up...

To the OP: that dude was a douche... best idea with douche bags is to ignore them... sounds like he got into your head a bit and made you ride differently ("show him up on the road"), which can be dangerous (imagine if he was faster than you, you may have pushed too hard to stay with him just to prove a point that he probably would not have gotten anyway)!
most people who have Gixxers on the street you can stereotype....Kinda like guys in BMW's :ban:

I have a silverado 1500 with 315 hp. It will crack the tires loose going 30 so its surprisingly quick. I love doing roll on races with them, mustangs, chargers, 4 banger cars, etc. I wonder what they are thinking when I fly by them or stay right with them with my straight pipes roaring :Flip:
David said it well.

I don't ever let people influence the way I ride. I ride my own ride and within my personal limits. If they get ahead of me, I don't care. If I leave them behind, I'll be waiting at the next straight or intersection. I don't expect anyone else to ride my ride either and always tell folks to PLEASE ride YOUR ride. We're not out here to compete so save that for the track!

Everyone who's been on my group rides knows what I'm talking about.

Don't let them bother you. I understand where you're coming from but like David said, "sounds like he got into your head a bit and made you ride differently ("show him up on the road"), which can be dangerous"
Don't feel bad. It's his problem.

Do you really want to ride with this guy again? I wouldn't.

You ride with people you like who have a common love of bikes.

Glad you blew this turkey away......
So I went to visit a buddy of mine a while ago and we planned a weekend of riding...We were 7 and I was the only sport\touring bide there...the line up was 2005 cbr 600, 2006 zx6r, 2005 repsol 1000, 2001 cbr 600, 2003 r6, 2008 gsxr 750, and my fz-6..Everybody was great we wore having a blast everybody was exited to show me some scenery and some curves...except for the guy with the gixxer..he was extremely arrogant and had a problem with me being there..(cause I didn't have a ''crotch rocket'') He would ignore me completely or talk down to me. So when we took off I made it my mission to show him up on the road, and I did I got on him the whole time and the only times he was able to pull away was on long stretches. Now after the day was done he left and seemed extremely insulted..I don't know what is up with these guys that think we can't ride with them because of the kinds of bike we have...anyways just thought id blow some steam.

Thanks for listennig...

G'day mate. I'm gonna join with the crew with the "don't let anyone change the way you ride by giving attitude" line. Not giving you a serve or trying to appear holier than thou. Just my honest opinion. Won't say I haven't done it myself. Not anymore though.

I overtook a couple of slower riders a while back. Nothing nutty. Waited ages for a nice long straight and overtook. One dude was babysitting a new rider and I thought,"Good on ya bloke." World needs more good sorts like that.

Anyhow, I've just got back into my lane and check the mirrors again, and the babysitter has now ditched his mate in favour of coming flying up behind me and overtaking me at 200+km/h. Now, I've been good. I could've gotten past these folk in the twisties, but did the right thing, and this dufus has now gotten in front of me just before one of the sweetest sections of road around......and as soon as the road bends, he starts to slow down. He went round the first bend nearly half a km ahead of me and by the second bend I was right on his tail. Normally I'd sit back, cursing, but I thought, "This guy has asked for it:(." So I sat right on his backside and "pushed".(didn't even have to hang off, the guy's skills were a complete joke).

After a watching him locking up and getting squirrely into a few turns I was starting to have some second thoughts....too late. He locked up the rear and missed the turn and ended up on the wrong side of the road just missing a car coming the other way, and ended up being stopped in the oncoming traffic lane waving me by in my lane:eek:.

I felt pretty guilty and was definitely to some extent responsible for nearly killing this guy, and decided I wouldn't do that again, right then and there.

Of course this idiot wasn't finished yet:rolleyes:. Tried to sit on my backside....lol....after 2 turns he was 100 mtres back. Then flew up behind me into the next town and sat on my backside there. He'd learned nothing.

Now it's not directly my fault. I was on a stock FZ6 with Pilot Power 1ct's and this guy had the Ohlins suspension, braided lines and sticky rubber on his ZX10R. There is no reason he couldn't just ride around the bend (just didn't know how to ride:rolleyes:). But I pushed this guy and nearly got him killed.

Moral of the story....OK, the guy might be a complete tool, but that doesn't mean I should push him outside his limits and get him killed. Also the people in the car that nearly hit him would have been a bit messed up if they'd hit him.

Again, i'm not havin' a go at you mate. Just relating my experiences to you and passing on things I've learned the hard way.:thumbup: I'm definitely no angel:eek::spank::spank:...LMAO

I've come to think the Gixxer is a poor mans super sport bike. I guess you keeping up with him on a sport tourer was too much for his inflated ego to take. You should hold your head high and don't even bother next time. You've really got nothing to prove
So when we took off I made it my mission to show him up on the road, and I did I got on him the whole time and the only times he was able to pull away was on long stretches.
Thanks for listennig...

This seems like a dangerous game with no real potential for winning anything and lots of potential for loosing everything. Like others have said, your best best is to blow him off. Don't LET him affect you. He can't bother you without YOU choosing to be bothered, and besides, what better way is there to "get back" at him? Take his bait an commence "The Battle of the Egos" or stay grounded and make him wonder why you aren't impressed by him.

The problem was HIS to begin with, and it started with his bad childhood, bad marriage, crappy job, low self-esteem, or whatever reason he behaves that way. Think about this perspective: There's never a good excuse for bad behavior, but there's always a good reason. It's a lot easier to manage a difficult person if you can understand that it's rarely about you. Empathy leads you down a path of more understanding and less reacting, and if you can pull that off, you KNOW that you are the better person.

That said, my Ego has been in charge many many times, and you know what? Even when I "win", I never really win.

I'm glad you are airing out to your FZ6 crowd. It's kinda nice to have a family 10000 strong...:thumbup:
How insecure that guy must be to feel bothered by your presence on a "less sporty" bike...wow...he probably felt like he was being butt raped the whole time you were riding his ass.
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People always look down at the FZ series. I've had guys on their 600's look at me as I ride my dads FZ1 like it was a gutless piece of crap, and then when I make them eat the words they didn't want to say to my face, the look on their face is priceless and they run away with their tales between their legs. One bloke even had the nerve to call an FZ1 a girls bike (he rode a gsx-r600). The FZ's are a real world sport bike. They CAN keep up with anything in the class, especially lower speed twisties. People just don't realize how much our bikes rock.
I don't think you should get too hung up on what the guy was riding,he would have still been a tool,even if he was riding an FZ6 ;)

(Speaking as an ex GSXR750 rider) :D