just about crapped my pants yesterday


Junior Member
Jan 26, 2009
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Olympia, Wa (back home now)
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Since i am nearly out of Iraq, I had to change rooms so that the new unit replacing ours can have the "good rooms." Well, now i am in a wooden shack.

You remember the stories of "if you are in Mexico, make sure to shake out your boots before putting them on?" well, it is true.

I went to put mine on yesterday and got my Left one on and tied up, i picked up my right one and went to put it on when i heard a quiet 'hissss.' Looking around for it the noise, i couldnt find where it came from. turned around with my boot in my hand and i heard it again. I tuned my boot over and i jumped about 6 feet into the air

a freaking 6 inch long (about 10-12 inch with its legs stretched out) Camel Spider was in my freaking boot.

Just to add insult to injury, after landing on the ground (both of us), the thing ****ing charged after me with its 'arms' 5 inches in the air. I found out something, you can not get away from a charging camel spider, they run 25+ MPH and they do bite. I ended up catching him and some people got pictures, i will see about stealing some with one of my 5.56MM rounds next to him to show just how big this damn thing was, i was to preoccupied with making sure it didnt escape the bucket i put it in to get any pictures on my camera
Hhahaha! that's awesome. Get some 550, pull a white string out and make a leash for him/her/it. That way you can walk it to the DFAC. Hahahaha

Now that really does suck but you got out with no bites. I've come across them in my times in the desert but never that up close and personal. I'm not one to be leary about insects but those things give me the creeps.
Dude! I remember my first camel spder chase, they suck. I have a pic of one we caught while I was in Tal-afar. Be glad you didnt get bit, I heard it sucks. I'll bet you cant wait to get the hell out of there. I'll post that pic later, I'm at work now, yep, civilian life. Jealous? LOL just playing. Be safe out there.
Can you die from them?

A pic to go along with your post would be very helpful for those such as myself who have never expereinced living in such exotic places. Pretty run of bad luck if you managed to dodge all the bombs and bullets over there for a year and at the very end, get bitten by one of those. From your story, I thought it was a snake. The hissing sound fooled me.
Can you die from them?

A pic to go along with your post would be very helpful for those such as myself who have never expereinced living in such exotic places. Pretty run of bad luck if you managed to dodge all the bombs and bullets over there for a year and at the very end, get bitten by one of those. From your story, I thought it was a snake. The hissing sound fooled me.

Do a google image search of "camel spider." The "untreated bite" pics are Nasty. Not unlike brown recluse bites. rough.
I've never seen one in the wild before, but have seen them in a few pet stores. Used to keep a lot of tarantulas before I joined the Navy. Miss those little buggers, even though none of them miss me. :rolleyes:
I can hook you up with the good stuff. One squirt and that sucker is belly up!

We have wind scorpions here, just 3 times smaller.
I can hook you up with the good stuff. One squirt and that sucker is belly up!

We have wind scorpions here, just 3 times smaller.

naw, they dont do anything but bite you pretty hard, lol, my right foot still hurts.

for the person who asked, You can not die from them. They only give you a nasty bite that left untreated can get infected and they are considered a scorpion for they can 'release' a weak acid (like vinegar) from the rear end.
Holy crap! That thing is crazy! You are the man to catch that bad boy, I would've been running and screaming like a small child.
uugghhh i feel like im going to throw up.............i hate spiders! there is almost nothing in this world i am afraid of. i have been shot at (at work and by girls daddies in younger days :) ) and had some bad crashes and done some crazy ****. and i CAN NOT stand a spider! i will run screaming like the biggest vagina on the planet from one. so good job to you but i would have tore that shck to the ground trying to get out!
Here's what the eggs look like :eek:
