June 8th weekend just freed up: Americade!!


Howie Mandel's evil twin
Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
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Pittsford, VT
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Anyone else going??

I'm thinking to head up there on Thursday. Hang out through Friday and probably head out on Saturday.
I'd love to do it if it was closer... My Lee Parks instructor was pushing it too but it's a bit far no? Especially for you!

4 hour ride up (if I take the boring way). You're right.. that IS far.. maybe I should cancel.


How was Total Control?? Lee Parks himself will be doing a seminar Thursday night.
4 hour ride up (if I take the boring way). You're right.. that IS far.. maybe I should cancel.


How was Total Control?? Lee Parks himself will be doing a seminar Thursday night.

Hey man, you rock that 4 hours of slab :) - don't listen to me! I personally just hate monotonous rides, car or bike...

The class was good - Christine Firehock, who's kind of a big deal in the MC world taught that day too - though honestly all the instructors are freakin' awesome. Half of it is honestly bit boring w/ classroom instruction (I read his book so it was mostly rehash), and drills like smooth rollon/off, etc, but the other half was more intimidating w/ going around a 40ft circle in 2nd, keeping eye on a damn cone :)BLAA:) no matter what, etc...

I honestly left w/ a positive but not excellent impression, BUT in the coming week or two I started to use and forcibly practice even the mundane stuff and its making a difference - so I'd definitely recommend it if you have an open mind!

There is a level 2 of it too, but based on the talks I had w/ instructors, it seems pretty hardcore :).
Hey man, you rock that 4 hours of slab :) - don't listen to me! I personally just hate monotonous rides, car or bike...

The class was good - Christine Firehock, who's kind of a big deal in the MC world taught that day too - though honestly all the instructors are freakin' awesome. Half of it is honestly bit boring w/ classroom instruction (I read his book so it was mostly rehash), and drills like smooth rollon/off, etc, but the other half was more intimidating w/ going around a 40ft circle in 2nd, keeping eye on a damn cone :)BLAA:) no matter what, etc...

I honestly left w/ a positive but not excellent impression, BUT in the coming week or two I started to use and forcibly practice even the mundane stuff and its making a difference - so I'd definitely recommend it if you have an open mind!

There is a level 2 of it too, but based on the talks I had w/ instructors, it seems pretty hardcore :).

Hey I just noticed they put up pics on their facebook page 'CKS Kickstart', but none of me scraping pegs and demolishing KFC strips! :eek: ... guess I'll have to take it again!
Hey I just noticed they put up pics on their facebook page 'CKS Kickstart', but none of me scraping pegs and demolishing KFC strips! :eek: ... guess I'll have to take it again!

I took the ARC past week as well. Like metallicat pointed out I walked away being satisfied but not stunned as some folks in the reviews had pointed out.
The morning session is fairly tame and not too different from a MSF ERC. The class definitely picks up post lunch. The 10 'holy' steps of cornering were pretty cool to practice. I was still struggling to see why I had to get my body position in a 'V' right before you flopp the bike into the turn. I tried practicing on the street and found that I was turning quicker with less bike lean and bigger contact patch. Keeping an open mind definitely helps.
Thinking about taking ARC 2 followed by some track days.

I would love to go to the Americade, too boring and too straight of a ride alone from Boston. Besides my 8 month pregnant wife wouldn't like me disappearing on 2 wheels with a bunch of bikers and their posse. I doubt I would mind too much