July Vacation - NH to Maine


It's My Bike!
Jan 26, 2009
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Albany, NY
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Due to some personal issues I wasn't able to plan ahead for a vacation. So, I think I'm heading up to Hampton Beach, NH tomorrow (July 6), staying a day or two and then riding up to Old Orchard Beach, ME. Due to lack of finances, I will be camping. Anyone know of a relatively "safe" campground in either of those areas or any place to avoid? Also if anyone would like to meet for dinner I would enjoy the company. Thanks!
Don't know too much about Hampton Beach but I have been to OOB (old orchard beach) quite a few times. I've never camped there though so I guess I'm not much help. I have done some engineering work at one campground within walking distance to the beach. I think it was called paradise park campground. I think they have a couple pools, a few hot tubs, etc. here is the link either way.

Paradise Park Resort

As far as the company goes, unfortunately I just got back from a vacation of my own so I don't think I'll be able to take anymore time off. Let us know how it goes for you and post lots O' pics. Have fun!! :thumbup:
Long time no hear! Hope all is well by you. It would be nice if some members could hook up and go on part of the trip with you!
I've been to both places, but never camped, always in a hotel. And they are at a premium during the summer. Hampton Beach is a zoo. Bring Mosquito repellant, you'll need it, especially if you camp. Don't forget you will need money for the tolls.

I love the west, it's free of toll for the most part.
Thanks everyone - it's nice to be welcomed back. I'm glad you didn't forget me. I'm actually leaving today as I had car issues yesterday to take care of. Stay tuned for pics!